No sleep disorder is fun to live with, and sleep apnea is a particularly tough one to handle. Luckily, there exist a variety of methods you can employ in your fight to reclaim your sleep. Take heed of the tips in this article, and improve your quality of sleep.
Do you partake in a drink or smoke? Lose all your bad habits. Both have a negative influence on your air passages. Smoking causes swelling in the airway. On the other hand, alcohol causes the airway to relax, much like sleeping pills. Avoid second-hand smoke and do not drink immediately before going to bed.
One of the reasons many people suffer from sleep apnea is because they are carrying excessive weight. Should this be the reason, weight loss should be the rule of thumb. Diet and exercise can do wonders to treat this condition. Carbohydrate restriction has been shown to help people lose weight in recent studies as well.
Get a personally made mouth guard just for you. These are made for people with sleep apnea. This is something that works well instead of using a CPAP, and it’s more comfortable. It really helps keep the airways clear and keeps the soft tissues of the throat stable.
Lose some weight if you’re heavy. There is evidence that sleep apnea is correlated with obesity. So, you can actually find substantial relief from your symptoms just from shedding even twenty or thirty pounds.
Do not drink alcohol often. The natural effects of alcohol lead to over-relaxation of your muscles. You may want to feel more relaxed, but it can exacerbate your apnea. If you must drink, keep it to just a few, and stop drinking well before bedtime. This will keep your throat muscles from relaxing excessively. If you absolutely have to have a drink, don’t do as much as you used to. And avoid having one close to bedtime.
Sleep Apnea
Don’t underestimate the potential health consequences of sleep apnea. If you think you may have it, talk to a doctor immediately. If the doctor determines you are suffering with sleep apnea, you should consult with someone who specializes in this disorder in order to effectively treat the condition.
If you’ve got a prescription for a CPAP for your sleep apnea, try using it for around four hours each night. Although it can be difficult to become accustomed to wearing a CPAP, it is an important tool in improving sleep apnea. In order for your CPAP therapy to be effective, you need to use it at least four hours a day. As you become more accustomed to the sleep mask, you should be able to wear it longer.
If when using a CPAP machine your mouth still falls open, use a chin strap. This device keeps your jaw up as you sleep. CPAP therapy is not successful with an open mouth, so use the chin strap to help alleviate the problem.
Don’t drink alcohol to excess. Alcohol causes your muscles to relax. While this might often be a desirable side effect of drinking, it can also cause sleep apnea. Your muscles will relax and collapse, which will make you snore and possibly cough through the night. If you do drink alcohol, avoid drinking it 3 hours before bedtime.
If you suffer from sleep apnea and intend to travel at all, make sure you bring you CPAP in the luggage. When you are dealing with sleep apnea, the CPAP machine should be used every single night. This CPAP should have a travel bag that came with it. This is perfect for taking your CPAP along with you anytime you are away.
Nasal Spray
Take your CPAP device with you when you are going to the hospital. Your CPAP machine should be with you whether you’re admitted to the hospital or visiting the emergency room. It already has your pressure settings dialed in, and your mask is something your used to wearing at night. This will facilitate your CPAP therapy during your hospital stay.
Be sure to make use of nasal spray for a runny, stuffy, itchy nose. Using nasal spray a couple of nights in a row should help you sleep. Don’t use the product over a long period of time, though; that could cause damage to your nose. You should go to your pharmacy and explore different options to keep your nose open while you sleep.
Shed pounds if you want to get rid of your sleep apnea. Lots of people have found they can eliminate their sleep apnea by dropping all their excess fat. You can have relief from sleep apnea symptoms by losing as little as 10 pounds.
If you have sleep apnea, you shouldn’t smoke. Smoking causes your throat to swell and that will make your condition even more difficult to deal with. Try out nicotine patches or gum to get rid of your sleep apnea. The first month is the hardest part. Then you get less cravings as more and more nicotine leaves the body.
Use nasal spray if you have a nose issue. This might open up your airways so you can sleep. Don’t use the product over a long period of time, though; that could cause damage to your nose. Visit a pharmacy to find a variety of ways of keeping your nose clear as you sleep.
You can actually reduce your sleep apnea symptoms by practicing a few simple tongue exercises. For instance, press your tongue into the roof of your mouth for at least three minutes. You will make your muscles stronger, and you will have better results with your other treatments.
If you shed some weight it will likely help with apnea. Those who are overweight usually suffer from sleep apnea due to the circumference of their neck. Losing weight can significantly reduce the pressure on your airway and improve the flow of air as you breathe at night.
Due to the busy world we live in now, we require tons of energy to handle the hassles of everyday life. Do not be held prisoner by your sleep apnea, and get the most from your days by paying heed to the advice in this article.
Of course, for a solid diagnosis of sleep apnea, you must see a doctor. Nonetheless, healthy, self-help techniques may help and won’t hurt. Giving up tobacco use and losing excess weight are good health choices in general, and they’re particularly effective in reducing the symptoms of sleep apnea. Also, stay away from large meals, caffeine and alcohol a few hours before going to sleep.