Obviously, your lungs are needed in order for your body to work properly. When you have asthma, your lungs may not function the way they need to, thus, causing disruptions to your daily life. There are a lot of ways to control asthma and live a healthy life, so don’t think this is impossible. Take the advice below to heart, and you can starting living normally today.
If you suffer from asthma, don’t smoke or expose yourself to smoke, fumes or vapors. Decrease the effects of asthma by wearing a protective mask when pollution levels are especially high.
Smoking is a horrible habit, even deadly, for an asthma sufferer. Smoking is horrible for people, it is really bad if asthma becomes worse and blocks oxygen to your body, you need oxygen to work and stave off asthma.
What type of asthma are you having to deal with? Particular cases of asthma can respond differently to the same treatment, so you need to know all that you can about your case to treat it most effectively. For example, if your asthma is induced by exercise, it might be wise to always have an inhaler in your gym bag. If you know and understand your asthma triggers, you can better avoid and handle attacks.
Resist the urge to turn on a fan if you find yourself in a room filled with dust. The fan will cause the dust to circulate through the air, which can cause you to suffer an asthma attack. It could be better to open the window if you need to get airflow.
If you are afficted with asthma, it is critical to quit smoking and avoid the use of any other tobacco products. Smoking is unhealthy for anyone, but it is especially dangerous for someone with asthma. This is because your lungs and airway are already compromised by your condition.
If you are having trouble dealing with asthma, a leukotriene inhibitor might be of good use. These work by preventing the formation of leukotrienes. A leukotriene will cause inflammation in the respiratory system, causing an asthma attack. The inhibitor will prevent leukotrienes, which can decrease the amount of asthma attacks that you have.
Avoid anything that can trigger your asthma. Asthma triggers will vary greatly between individuals. If you have allergy related asthma, you will want to avoid pollen and dust. For others, physical activities can cause them. Look for the trigger points in your life, so you can work around them.
Properly use the inhaler every time you must use it. Find a comfy spot, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. The inhaler will only work if the medicine reaches your lungs. Inhale air while spraying the necessary amount of medication into your mouth. Don’t exhale for ten seconds so that the medicine can go through your lungs.
There are medications that can unknowingly cause asthma-like symptoms. A couple of common culprits that do this are aspirin and NSAIDs. Some medications for blood pressure and heart disease – those referred to as beta blockers – can also exacerbate asthma problems. Talk to a doctor if you have any of these conditions along with asthma.
Social workers are there for your assistance if you live with asthma, yet can’t get approved for health insurance. A social worker can possibly help you with finding treatment and low-cost medications.
If you’re a sufferer of asthma, stay away from cigarette smoke. Smoking is off limits. Do not breathe in the vapors or any other chemical fumes. Inhaling these substances may trigger an unstoppable asthma attack. Leave a room if people smoke, or ask them to stop.
Make certain that all members of your family get their annual flu shot. Asthma patients should try their best to avoid getting respiratory infections. Take standard precautions against any kind of illness, and start washing those hands and getting vaccinations that will protect you from getting very sick.
An annual flu vaccination is recommended for you as well as other members of your family. It is a good idea to avoid all respiratory infections when you have asthma. The preventative measures you can take against such sickness range from simple habits of hand washing to getting your annual flu shot.
Be sure to take plenty of Vitamins C and E if you have asthma. These vitamins help reduce asthma flare-ups by improving lung function. Many foods have these vitamins in abundance, but you can also use a supplemental pill. Your immune system gets a boost with these vitamins, and this helps protect your body against illnesses and asthma.
Even if you are feeling great, don’t skip your asthma check-ups. Your health care provider may have new prescriptions that could benefit you in case the need arises.
If you have been diagnosed with asthma, you should avoid smoking or even being in the presence of smokers. If you inhale the smoke, it will harm your lungs and increase the possibility of an asthma attack. Always be mindful of this, especially in small spaces that do not have very much air flowing.
For many people, their homes can be triggering their asthma, or even causing their asthma in the first place. Some of these irritants include dust, mold and spores. To reduce asthma attacks and stay healthy, have an inspector remove any harmful agents yearly. Keep your house clean to keep these asthma triggers out of your home.
Keep your home clean. By keeping a clean environment, especially in a bedroom, you can lower your risk of asthma attacks. Avoid smoking inside, and only let people eat in the kitchen. After you clean, let the house air out completely, and stay away from using any harsh chemicals (especially bleach) inside.
A humid home environment is a healthy environment for mildew and mold to develop. Asthma attacks are easily triggered by these substances. So try your best to make your home as dry as possible. Using a dehumidifier during cold weather and turning on your air conditioner when the weather gets hot again can help keep humidity out of your home to ensure your asthma is under control.
Hay Fever
The development of asthma symptoms can occur over time and they can be difficult to pinpoint and diagnose. In some serious cases, people have dropped dead due to an asthma attack without ever knowing they had asthma in the first place. Given that fact, if you have any kind of consistent cough or respiratory ailments, consulting a physician for testing is a good idea, since you want to know if you are suffering from asthma and if so, what to do about it.
Asthma treatment dosages will need to be increased if you are sick with a cold or are dealing with hay fever. Treatment may be increased in these cases as many illnesses have side effects that can cause flare ups in your asthma. Your doctor may prescribe a new medicine or change the dose of your existing medication until the hay fever or cold passes.
If you need to travel with your asthma medication, particularly if you plan on bringing a nebulizer or other large equipment, it can be helpful to obtain a letter from your doctor explaining their use. Having evidence from a doctor that the medication is necessary for your health will greatly help with security at the airport.
Asthma isn’t curable at the present time, but management can be made much easier with the proper advice from this article and a medical professional. With modern technology and asthma treatments on the rise, it will only be a matter of time before it can be handled with ease.
Allergens, pollen, dust and some other asthma aggravators can collect in your bed linens. A weekly wash cycle using hot water can eliminate these potential triggers for asthma attacks. If you are sleeping on freshly laundered linens, you will sleep much easier.