Difficulty breathing because of asthma can be very frightening. Asthma is very limiting for some because an attack can occur very suddenly, and could potentially become fatal. This article is filled with helpful information about the hows and whys of asthma and offers useful advice on living with the condition and its effects.
Do you know which type of asthma you suffer from? Being fully informed about the specific type of asthma you have is very important. Those whose asthma is exacerbated by exercise will know to always have an inhaler on hand. If you are familiar with your symptoms and their patterns, you will be better able to avoid emergencies.
What type of asthma do you suffer from? Being aware of your specific condition will help you combat the effects it has over your body day in and day out. For example, if you have exercise-induced asthma, you will want to always make sure you have an inhaler in your gym bag. You will be able to prevent asthma attacks if you can recognize symptoms.
A good tip that can help your child cope with asthma is to make sure you never smoke around them. Secondhand smoke is a trigger for asthma attacks, not to mention the myriad of other diseases it can cause. It’s best to also keep your child away from places in which others will be smoking.
Asthma is a chronic condition that is ongoing over time, and as such, will require a continual treatment and management regimen. Make sure that your daily routine includes taking appropriate medication to keep you free of asthma symptoms, along with additional medication to treat you for any sudden asthma attacks. Your physician and allergist are the ones to approach with any questions you have about this disease and its treatment.
It is important that you try to stay clear of cleaning products if you have asthma. A lot of the cleaning products have certain chemicals in them which can trigger asthma attacks. If you clean the home, there are many natural products that are safe to use.
If you have asthma, you need to avoid any kind of tobacco smoke. If you smoke, try quitting. It is also a good idea to stay away from the fumes or vapors from harsh chemicals, such as those used in cleaning. Any of these things can trigger an asthma attack. If others are smoking nearby, leave that area as quickly as you can.
Avoid anything that is known to trigger your asthma. Perhaps you have allergies or are sensitive to dust and pollen. While in other people, all it takes is physical activity and an attack can trigger. It is important to determine what triggers your asthma attacks so you can try to avoid those things.
If you are a person with asthma and have persistent attacks related to allergy symptoms, a medication that can be used for a long term effect is one that can be injected. Known as Omalizumab, this antibody medicine can control the body’s allergic senses and lower the symptoms or reactions that asthma patients suffer.
Don’t turn on the fan if the dust in a room is aggravating your asthma. This can move the dust around and can trigger an attack easily. It could be better to open the window if you need to get airflow.
Try a leukotriene inhibitor if you have asthma. These work by preventing the formation of leukotrienes. Leukotriene is a substance that may cause inflammation. This can make a person have an asthma attack. When used properly, an inhibitor can help reduce symptoms and prevent attacks.
A leukotriene inhibitor should be taken into consideration when asthma is a struggle. Leukotriene inhibitors block the effects of leukotrienes. Leukotrienes are molecules that cause the tracheal muscles to contract; having too many leukotrienes makes asthma attacks more likely. If you use an inhibitor, you may find that the your asthma attacks significantly decrease.
Flu Shot
Proper knowledge of how to use your inhaler is necessary if you have asthma. Find a comfy spot, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Remember that using an inhaler is only going to help you if the medication contained within makes its way to the lungs. As you are inhaling air, spray the correct dosage in your mouth. You should keep your breath held for 10 seconds at a minimum to let the medicated mist fill up your lungs.
Receiving a regular flu shot is a great tip to implement if you or someone you love suffers from asthma. This annual flu shot will prevent infectious damage to your lungs.
Be sure to take plenty of Vitamins C and E if you have asthma. They help to increase the function of the lungs and control the overall symptoms of asthma. You can find the vitamins you need in food or supplements. These vitamins will also provide a boost to your immune system. This will prevent respiratory illnesses that can trigger your asthma attacks.
Make sure you know what triggers asthma attacks so you can either avoid those triggers or be prepared to manage your asthma symptoms. If you have asthma, it’s most likely triggered by things such as being around animals or pollen. Most asthmatics also can’t tolerate smoke. Avoid your asthma triggers as much as you can to prevent attacks.
If you’re suffering from a cold or allergies, you should talk to your doctor about taking additional asthma medication. These illnesses have side effects that can cause asthma to flare up and make an increase in medication necessary. It is possible your doctor will want to add additional therapies to your treatment program until you are back on your feet.
If you are asthmatic, it may be a good idea to use a pillow that is not filled with feathers. The feathers from a pillow can cause asthma symptoms and decrease your lung function. The same can be said for bedding, try to get hypoallergenic comforters and sheets.
Know the right way to take your asthma medication, and above all any rescue medication. A treatment made up of a daily medication plus a rescue inhaler can help to keep asthma under control. Asthma is not curable, so it is very important that you take your medication properly and only use your rescue medication if you need it.
When you are traveling, make sure you have a rescue inhaler with you. You may find that the stress of traveling makes an asthma attack more likely. While on the road, it is also hard to control the environment you are in, which also makes an attack more likely.
Asthma generally takes a long time to develop, and the symptoms may be vague at first, making it difficult to diagnose the problem. In fact, some people who didn’t even realize they had asthma died as a result of their initial attack. If you have any trouble catching your breath or a cough that won’t go away, consider talking to your doctor to make sure that you aren’t afflicted with asthma. If you are, you’ll need to keep an inhaler with you at all times and possible take other medications.
Support Group
If you are traveling by plane and taking along your asthma medications, make sure to have with you any written doctors prescriptions, especially when carrying some large asthma equipment like a nebulizer. Carrying your prescriptions along with written proof that they are medically necessary, will cut down on potential problems at the airport checkpoints.
Join a support group, online or in “real life”, to find help from your peers. If you have asthma, it can stop you from participating in basic activities like sports, especially if the condition is severe. On top of that, an asthma support group will keep you apprised of the latest developments in asthma medication and other significant medical breakthroughs.
Bed linens are a magnet for nasty allergens and asthma triggers, including dust and pollen. You can reduce or eliminate these potential asthma attack inducers by laundering your sheets and pillowcases in hot water every week. You’re less likely to have an asthma attack while asleep or upon first waking up if your bedding is fresh and clean.
In the winter, cover your mouth and nose with a scarf or shawl to prevent asthma attacks. This lets the air warm slightly before you breathe it in. Young children are especially at risk for an asthma attack if the air they breathe is too cold, but this problem can affect anybody with asthma.
Consult with more than one physician. While your primary care physician should be your go-to source for asthma help, consider making an appointment with a specialist or two. The allergists, pulmonologists and nutritionists in asthma centers can help you take full advantage of all treatments available.
You should use your inhaler everyday regularly; however, be forewarned that the medicine can potentially lead to mouth infections, especially around your gums and teeth. Brushing or gargling immediately after use can help reduce the risk of infection and other problems.
If asthma does strike, don’t lose your cool. Grab your inhaler and use it, then wait to see if it helps. If not, then use it again in thirty seconds. If your attack worsens, call for help. Have some one call for an ambulance or take you to the hospital. You can slow your breathing by placing a paper bag over your mouth and nose to slow your breathing until you get medical attention.
You should have limited contact with animals, as it can cause you to have an asthmatic reaction. Animals carry pollen and dust with them and can trigger serious asthma attacks.
You have to know the proper way to use an inhaler if you suffer from asthma. You can’t just spray into your mouth and softly inhale. You must simultaneously inhale and spray the inhaler, then hold your breath for several seconds. If you are having trouble using it correctly, ask your doctor for help at your next visit.
During times that pollen counts are high, asthma sufferers should try to stay indoors. Even though asthma is not considered to be an allergy, asthma is triggered by the same things that cause allergies. Asthma suffers can now minimize exposure to outdoor pollutants and irritants by checking online for current air quality in their areas.
Learn as much as you can about asthma. The more you know about asthma, the more proactive a treatment you can devise for yourself. Look into cutting-edge treatments, and seek the best medical care you can find. You can do this only if you learn all about your condition plus the treatment options available to you.
It is important to remain calm during an asthma attack. You should immediately use your inhaler and use the inhaler again 30 seconds later. If you feel your ashtma attack worsening, get immediate help. Have someone call an ambulance for you, or have them bring you to a hospital. Breathing into a paper bag on the way can sometimes help by slowing your breathing rate.
Make sure you are getting enough vitamin B6. Vitamin B6, known as pyridoxine, reduces the risks of getting an asthma attack. Through this research, it has been proven that pyridoxine helps produce molecules that aid in relaxing the bronchial tissue. You can find a good supply of vitamin B6 in natural foods such as bananas.
If it isn’t taken care of and gotten under control, it can kill. By adhering to the advice here, you will see that asthma management is not difficult rocket science; and with a little investment of your time and energy, you can better manage your breathing and get back to a normal life.
Closely monitor the frequency of your asthma attacks. If you have more than two asthma attacks in a week, it may be time to change medications. Doctors agree that having more than two attacks a week can be dangerous.