Although people do not like discussing it, chances are that people you know have suffered from hemorrhoids at some point. Keep reading to learn more about effective prevention and treatment of the different forms of hemorrhoids.
You can find relief from hemorrhoid pain in a number of places. Experts have been known to recommend soaking in a sitz bath multiple times per day, for 5 to 10 minutes each time. Another good way to combat the discomfort of hemorrhoids is apply a cold compress to the area.
If you experience hemorrhoids, keep the area clean. Specially-designed hemorrhoid wipes are usually more sanitary than toilet paper, not to mention more comfortable. A sitz bath at a lukewarm temperature will help reduce the swelling and irritation of hemorrhoids. You should soak in this warm bath for 20 minutes at a minimum.
Rutin can help you with your hemorrhoids. Weak blood vessels can cause hemorrhoids. Rutin, a flavonoid essential for Vitamin C absorption, aids in the strengthening of blood vessels. It is most commonly found in vegetables, such as onions and broccoli, as well as in citrus fruits. If taking a supplement, the optimal dose is 500mg once per day.
Practicing thorough bathroom hygiene habits decrease your chances of getting external hemorrhoids. Toilet paper that is soft and does not leave behind residue is a good start. After each bowel movement, also use a moistened wipe for cleaning purposes.
To help with relieving the discomfort of hemorrhoids, try adding a little lemon to your drinking water. There are chemicals in lemons which help to soothe the discomfort and irritation of hemorrhoids. Several glasses of lemon water a day will help you feel better.
You can find relief from hemorrhoid pain in a number of places. Take several, ten minute sitz bath every day. You might also feel better if you apply cold compresses in the affected area.
The high amount of fiber in whole wheat bread can be the perfect food to add to your diet to reduce your hemorrhoids. It also reduces the redness and irritation of your skin. From now on, use whole wheat bread in lieu of white.
Blood Vessels
Hemorrhoids can be itchy, and drive you crazy. However, you have to refrain from scratching because that could tear them open. By being ripped open, they will be more painful, and can cause bacterial infections.
Rutin can be helpful when taken for hemorrhoids. Weakened, thin blood vessels are generally linked with hemorrhoids. The proper absorption of Vitamin C is essential for maintaining strong, healthy blood vessels and the flavonoid Rutin is essential for proper absorption. It is generally found in citrus fruits, as well as in vegetables, such as broccoli and onions. You should take 500mg daily as a supplement.
Do not use laxatives if you are constipated and have hemorrhoids. Laxatives will only lead to a single bowel movement If your constipation is chronic, you need to make dietary changes, such as adding more fiber to help regulate your bowel movements.
Witch hazel can be used to relieve hemorrhoid pain. Witch hazel relieves pain because it shrinks hemorrhoid tissue. Put the witch hazel on a cotton ball, applying it to the affected area for about 5 minutes. You can also put it in a sitz bath.
Fiber loaded foods will help soften stool, especially if you drink plenty of water. If your stool has been softened, there will be less strain during movements so that can help to stop hemorrhoids occurring. Fruits such as grapes, papaya, and watermelon help to soften and move stool. Vegetables with high fiber content, like cabbage, also help keep the stools soft. Keeping yourself hydrated with plenty of water can also increase the effects.
By applying the knowledge in the above article, you’ll be better informed, and better able to manage hemorrhoids pain. Of course, one of the best ways to fight this condition is to begin with prevention. These tips and tricks, combined with medical advice, should keep you free and clear of hemorrhoids.
Go see your doctor to make sure you have hemorrhoids. Traces of blood in your stool may also indicate a more troubling condition, one of which is rectal cancer. You can ease your mind visiting a doctor to get the problem diagnosed. If it is hemorrhoids, your doctor can let you know the best course of treatment.