Handling yeast infections is not a pleasant thing for a woman to do. It is essential that you overcome your embarrassment and seek out the information necessary to properly treat your infection. The information shared here will give you all that you need to know about yeast infections.
Whenever you get sweaty, get changed. This keeps your vaginal area dry and less likely to grow yeast. Creating a less-than-favorable environment for yeast is your goal.
To keep yeast infections away, try to spend as little time as possible in damp clothing. Wetness allows yeast to thrive. Dry off completely before you put on dry clothing.
Try to avoid stress at all costs to improve your immune system’s response. Feeling stressed can make your immune system less efficient, which means infections could develop more easily.
When you’ve finished an activity that causes you to expend a lot of your energy, put on new clothes. This will be an environment in which yeast infections are unlikely to arise.
Plain aspirin and ibuprofen are excellent pain relievers to use when a yeast infection strikes. Alleviating the symptoms will allow you to get on with your life in a normal fashion.
Always buy and wear underwear made of cotton. Those silk underwear may look extra nice and sexy, but they can cost you much comfort in the long run. Buy cotton underwear that will let your vagina breathe. This might stop yeast infections from occurring in the first place.
Don’t use anything that is scented. Some women use douches and body soaps to clean their vagina. These things can cause vaginal irritation and can affect the natural lubrication of the area. You are more likely to get a yeast infection this way. Only use soap intended for your vagina.
Yeast Infections
Lactobacilius acidophilis is your friend. Acidophilus is a good type of bacteria found in most yogurts (check labels) and can be eaten or applied to the vagina to help prevent and stop yeast infections. When you purchase yogurt with this live culture, it is important to remember to look for sugar-free varieties. Sugar is actually food for yeast.
If you are prone to getting yeast infections, consider taking pain relieving medications, such as ibuprofen or aspirin. Taking these can help to reduce any pain or discomfort associated with yeast infections. These infections may cause a lot of pain or discomfort throughout the day. Reducing the pain and discomfort can help keep you as productive as possible.
Consider increasing your intake of yogurt if you experience regular yeast infections. The beneficial probiotic cultures in yogurt help to maintain a healthy balance of vaginal flora. Eating at least one cup of yogurt each day is a good way to prevent and fight yeast overgrowth.
Stay away from anything scented or caustic. A lot of women use douches and body scrubs in the area around the vagina. These products can disturb the natural balance of your vagina. This will leave you susceptible to a yeast infection. There are soaps that are specifically designed for the genital region that you can use instead.
Both synthetic materials and tight-fitting apparel are problematic. Clothing, especially undergarments, that are tight restrict airflow and trap heat and moisture. Yeast thrives in moist environments with little air circulation. Your clothing should be made of cotton or other breathable materials, and should have a comfortable fit.
Knowing what you can do to prevent or treat a yeast infection can make all the difference in the world when dealing with this pain. Be sure to apply what you have learned here so you will be in a better position to deal with the infection if it ever occurs.
Use cotton underwear to reduce moisture that can result in yeast infections. Synthetic fabrics trap moisture, making it easy for yeast to thrive. Wear underwear of 100 percent cotton. Also, be sure to always put on new underwear if you have been sweating a lot. Remaining dry will help you stay healthy and happy.