There are many stereotypes based on seniors, such as the short-sighted, stooped, little, elderly man or the little, old, hard-of-hearing lady. Many older people are living full and happy lives. Here, we will give you some good advice to help you become one of the new prime-timers!
The key to dealing with growing older is ignoring the numbers. You can easily be distracted by numbers such as your weight, age and height. You will still need some numbers for medical reasons but you should not weight yourself down every day.
Start taking resveratrol as a supplement. There have been promising studies about the youthful benefits of eating a well balanced and low calorie diet. Better yet, resveratrol is a naturally occurring anti-getting older agent found in nuts and grapes. You can also find it within the roots of a plant called the Japanese Knotweed, this is commonly used in supplements. It can also be found in the roots of Senna quinquangulata, a South American shrub.
To keep the aging process healthy, continuously teach yourself new skills. It is a must to continually learn in your life.
Add a personal touch to your home. As you gain in years, you may find that you are living in a different place than you expected to live. Your new place will become familiar and home-like once you bring your own touches to it. Bring out the photographs or paintings, cushions and decorations that gave your former home an air of comfort. They will make this new place feel like home too.
Having solid supportive friendships will give you the love, energy and fuel that keep you feeling emotionally positive. You can make new friends at any age and stage of your life. So get yourself going and out among other people and gain new friendships so you can have a longer and better life.
Get enough sleep every night. It is said that each person needs an average of eight hours daily. Deficient amounts of sleep can lead to disorders like depression or cardiovascular conditions.
Consider life a journey of exploration and enjoyment. Just because you are getting older, does not mean that you should no longer set milestones. You should always have something in your life that you are striving to achieve so that you can retain your sense of pride in your accomplishments.
Eat healthy food. A diet loaded with plenty of fruits and vegetables with only a small amount of sugars and fats will keep you on the track to a balanced healthy eating plan. Having a healthy diet helps you maintain not just your physical health, but your mental health, too, and it gives you the necessary fuel you require to help you through your day.
Red Meat
To prevent heart disease, eat less red meat and more fish. The cholesterol in red meat can clog your arteries. Fish, on the other hand, breaks up the cholesterol, so it is a great addition to your diet.
Take extra precautions to reduce your risk of falling. Falls are the main cause of serious injuries, fractures and death among seniors. You can keep physically and mentally fit and help your balance by walking three times a week, for at least 30 minutes at a time. Decrease your risk of fractures through a program of weight training, increased calcium intake, and Vitamin D supplements.
Start a new hobby or revisit an old one when you retire. Hobbies can help you stay focused on positive goals. You should focus on interests that you have had to put on the back burner while working and raising your family; this will help keep you active. These activities will keep your mind sharp, active, and interested in life.
Seek advice from your physician about the anti-getting older supplements that can work for you. As an older individual, you should consume a balanced quantity of multivitamins, antioxidants and if required, anti-inflammatory medication. Taking supplements can help you increase your activity and not feel the down time effects of aging. Make these important when doing your daily routine.
Always have a list of current medications available. This will help you make sure you get refills for everything. This enables a pharmacist to check all your medications for safety.
Remember to laugh often. Happiness is a key ingredient in the aging process; having a lot of laughter and friendship in your life will keep you looking and feeling young. Try watching comedies or reading books that are filled with humor to make you feel good. Laughter is healthy for your mind and body.
Safeguard yourself from fraud. Older people can be victims of scams as criminals seek out easy marks. Protect yourself by refusing to give your bank information to anyone, by shredding papers with personal information on them and requiring outsiders to present identification when they come to your home. This will keep you from losing money to a scam artist.
You still can live your life to it’s fullest potential. If you take control of your life and diet, the next fifty years could be great.