Do You Want To Get Rid Of Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is often undiagnosed and can have severe consequences. With this condition, the breathing is hindered by a collapse of the air passage at the back of the throat. Although this sleep disorder can be fatal, many treatments are available to decrease the symptoms of sleep apnea.

Meet with a doctor about what CPAP machine you should use. Size and noise are both things to factor into your decision. The newer CPAP machines are much smaller and quieter than earlier ones were. The doctor would be able to guide you to the right one to use.

Some people’s sleep apnea can be traced to morbid obesity. If this is true for you, try getting a little thinner. Look for a sensible plan that includes both caloric restriction as well as exercise. Taking carbohydrates out of a diet is something that studies show helps people lose weight.

If you are carrying a few extra pounds, it may be time to lose them. Although it might not be the main cause, being overweight makes sleep apnea worse. It also stands to reason that losing just a little weight can dramatically improve your condition and your health.

To help with your sleep apnea, you need to consult with your doctor about the best CPAP machine to use. Not all machines are alike, and you may need one that has a humidifier or a certain type of pressure. There are some very small and quiet machines available. The doctor will know which manufacturers offer the best machines.

If your doctor prescribes a mouth guard, make sure it is properly fitted. These are made especially for those suffering from sleep apnea. It’s a good way to get around having to use a CPAP machine, and feels better to wear throughout the night. The mouth guard can help by keeping your airway unobstructed.

Are nicotine and alcohol a part of your life? Get rid of these bad habits. Both have a negative influence on your air passages. Alcohol use will lead to over-relaxation of your airways, making sleep apnea symptoms worse, while smoking can have a similar effect by constricting them. If it is not possible for you to quit cold turkey, then try not to smoke or drink immediately before bedtime.

You can both shed unwanted pounds and reduce the effects of sleep apnea with a nutritious and healthy diet. A lot of people are surprised that a bad diet can affect sleep apnea. Research shows that people who eat an unhealthy diet have more severe apnea than some overweight people who eat healthier.

Mouth Guard

Sleep apnea is no joke. If you feel some of the symptoms, then you need to consult a physician as quickly as you can. If the doctor determines you are suffering with sleep apnea, you should consult with someone who specializes in this disorder in order to effectively treat the condition.

Get a custom mouth guard. Sleep apnea patients can have mouth guards that are custom made specifically to treat their condition. It is a more comfortable alternative to using a CPAP machine. A mouth guard works by keeping airways open and giving the soft tissues stability.

To help you figure out if you suffer from sleep apnea, you may be asked by your doctor to keep a log of your sleeping. You will write down how many hours you sleep throughout the night, and any other symptoms you experience. Ask others in your home to let you know if you snored, woke up without realizing it due to your snoring or if you moved a lot in your sleep. This makes it easier for the doctor to diagnose your condition.

Family history is one thing that doctors use to diagnosis sleep apnea. In addition, a sleep study may be required. Some doctors may send you to a doctor that specializes in sleep disorders. This is a specialist that concentrates on treating people who are having trouble sleeping.

If the solutions you have tried are not improving your ability to sleep soundly, then see your doctor to discuss more aggressive options. If less invasive treatments do not work, it is sometimes necessary to perform surgical procedures such as adenoid and tonsil removal and/or airway enlargement.

Swear off sleeping pills. One of the effects of sleeping pills is that they constrict your throat, which only exacerbates sleep apnea. These pills can lead to a very dangerous situation if your case is bad, especially when tempted to try and get a good night’s sleep.

Cut down on your chances of developing sleep apnea. Some of the risk factors associated with sleep apnea cannot be changed such as being born a male or having it run it the family. Be this as it may, smokers, drinkers and those who are overweight can reduce their risks.

If you suffer from sleep apnea and are traveling, remember to bring the CPAP machine along. If you have a sleep apnea diagnosis, you must use your CPAP every single night. Most CPAP machines have convenient and durable carrying cases. Use this to easily transport your CPAP with you whenever you are away from home.

Sleep apnea is not something that should be ignored, because it will not go away without treatment. Cases differ from patient to patient, and the same treatment will not be effective in every case. If you lose weight you will help your sleep apnea, but this is not always the cause. CPAP machines are considered non-invasive, and many people use them successfully. Some people do prefer surgery over any other types of sleep apnea alleviation methods. Whatever you do, it will help.

Sleep Apnea

Use tongue and throat exercises as a way to combat sleep apnea. Place your tongue on your mouth’s roof and keep it there for at least three minutes. This makes the tongue and throat muscles stronger and prevents them from relaxing and blocking the airway as you sleep.

If you suffer from sleep apnea and have issues with your sinuses or allergies, have them treated as soon as possible. You might have trouble breathing during the night because of sleep apnea. There’s no reason to compound your troubles by suffering through other problems that make it harder to breathe. You will sleep better and have a more open airway if you treat nasal problems.

A great method of reducing your sleep apnea symptoms is strengthening your throat muscles. Relaxed or excessive tissue can obstruct air passages and make breathing difficult. Strong muscles are less likely to constrict airways.

If you suffer from sleep apnea, you should avoid sleeping on your back. Most people who have sleep apnea are back sleepers, which means that their airways constrict easier. Lie on your side and support yourself with pillows to avoid rolling onto your back.

If you have sleep apnea, you should not drink excessively. Drinking can relax the throat muscles too much, and that can cause airways to be blocked as well as snoring. Quit drinking, or have only one drink a few hours before bed. This way, the alcohol will not disturb your sleep.

If you have sleep apnea, stop smoking. Upper airways have a tendency to swell in smokers and increases the likelihood of sleep apnea. Try to find a program to help you quit smoking. It is the initial 30 days after you quit that are usually the hardest. Once you are past that point, your nicotine cravings lessen drastically.

If you’re using a CPAP machine, see if you doctor can also prescribe a humidifier with heat. You are much more likely to have a good night’s sleep and stick with your CPAP therapy if the air being delivered is warm and moist. Humidifiers are built into a lot of CPAP machines. Ask your doctor about prescribing you one.

It’s a good idea to try to sleep on your side rather than your back if you’re struggling with sleep apnea. Sew something lumpy onto your pajamas to make sure you do not roll onto your back. This makes it far less likely for you to revert to a prone sleeping posture.

Try not to feel embarrassed about getting treatment or using a CPAP machine. Tell people that this is a necessity, and don’t be self-conscious about having to use it in the presence of others. If the people around you give you trouble regarding the use of your machine, you may need a better group of friends.

Try learning how to play a musical instrument. It is not only soothing, but in a German trial study, it was proven that playing the Didgeridoo or any wind instrument can drastically calm sleep apnea symptoms. Learning this skill will assist you in controlling your breathing patterns.

The manner in which you sleep can have a hand in your sleep apnea. Having a proper sleep position is necessary. Try taking a foam wedge and using it to raise the top half of your body. An alternative method is to angle your bed so that the head is approximately four inches above the foot.

Remember that you aren’t always going to notice your apnea at night. If you find yourself falling asleep when you are driving, feel exhausted after a full night of sleep or feel strangely sleepy, talk to your doctor. Your symptoms may mean sleep apnea even if you don’t know you gasp for air every night.

If you are flying on a plane and it’s going to be a long trip, you need to speak with the airline ahead of time to make arrangements to use the CPAP machine. Almost all airlines will accommodate your need for extra space in order for you to use your equipment. If you’re flying with a non-domestic carrier, make sure you have the appropriate power adapters for your machine.

Now that you have a firm understanding of the basics of sleep apnea, you are well prepared to create your own sleep apnea plan in conjunction with your doctor. Contacting your doctor may be necessary in order to find out more about minimizing symptoms and the threat posed by sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea may be occurring without your knowledge. If you have unexplained exhaustion, sleepiness, or you’re falling asleep when you drive, try talking to a doctor about it. A doctor may diagnose you with this condition, even if you believe you don’t have it.