Snoring causes a lot of inconvenience and aggravation. Whether it is you or someone who sleeps close to you that is the snorer, it can be difficult to deal with. Snoring produces an irritating sound, and it has an effect on the quality of sleep that someone is trying to get. Fortunately, there are a number of ways that you can deal with it! Read on for some effective ways to reduce or eliminate snoring.
The first step to resolving your snoring problem is to uncover its underlying cause. For instance, there are medical problems, including sleep apnea, that can cause snoring. The only way to diagnose these is to see your doctor and begin treatment. It could actually end up making things worse.
Keep your BMI at it’s optimum level to reduce snoring. While being overweight doesn’t necessarily cause snoring, extra fat in the neck region can place additional pressure on the airways, which can cause snoring. If you notice that your snoring becomes worse when you gain a few pounds, shedding the extra weight will probably help you.
If you suffer from congestion due to allergies or other issues, you are much more likely to snore while sleeping. Congestion makes passages and airways in the nasal cavity become blocked, which inhibits the flow of air and develops into snoring. Taking a decongestant medicine before you go to bed will reduce this.
Throat Muscles
If you have a snoring problem, check with your doctor to see if any of your prescription medications might be exacerbating your condition. Some medications that you obtain by prescription can have a tendency to make you snore. Any medicines that relax muscles, or constrict the airways, can cause snoring. Restriction of the airway can cause snoring.
Have you heard that singing can help to alleviate snoring? This is because singing uses throat muscles, strengthening them over time. When you have strong throat muscles, the chances of snoring are reduced. Playing a wind or reed instrument can also build your throat muscles.
If a person carries excess weight, they tend to have fat around the neck, which can make them more likely to snore. The extra body fat in the neck can compress the airways, worsening the situation. If you are a little heavier than you should be, endeavor to become thinner immediately. You will not only feel and look better, but you will sleep better too.
You may seem to get a good night’s sleep with sleeping pills, but keep in mind that one side effect is an increase in snoring. You may reduce your snoring risk by not using them. Sleeping pills work by helping your muscles relax. The muscles in your throat and soft palate, which are responsible for holding your nasal passages open, will also sag. This leads to snoring, not the result you were looking for!
A firmer pillow may also help reduce snoring. A softer pillow can cause the muscles in your throat to slacken, which constricts your airway. Because the airflow is restricted, you start to snore. A firm pillow will keep all your passageways clear.
To prevent snoring, make sure your nasal passages are open. Clogged or constricted noses can cause snoring. If you catch a cold try and unclog your nose by using vapor rubs, humidifiers, or steam showers. You may want to consider using nasal strips as a means to opening up your nasal passageway, which allows you to breath easier.
Try doing a throat exercise that involves sliding the tongue against the back of the top front teeth to reduce snoring. For about three minutes or so, slide your tongue toward the back of your mouth and then back up to your teeth again. You can improve the amount of air you take in while you sleep and make snoring less likely with this exercise, because it tones the muscles that keep your airways open.
Lessen snoring by sleeping with your head elevated. A thick pillow will support your head allowing your air passages to remain open. You could even attempt to utilize multiple pillows. Snoring will be less likely when you keep your head elevated and thus increase the amount of air you take in.
If you have allergies and snore, investigate your allergies as a source of the snoring. Allergies cause nasal swelling, preventing sufferers from breathing through their nose. These swelled nasal passages almost always cause snoring. See if drugstore allergy medication will work, or consult with a physician for additional help.
Consult your doctor regarding any prescriptions you may be taking that could be making you snore. If you notice snoring begins or increases after beginning prescription medications, talk with your doctor. Pain killers, antihistamines, sleeping pills and muscle relaxers usually relax your muscles, causing a restricted airway. If your airway is reduced, you will snore.
You can use essential oils to control snoring. Some of these oils, such as eucalyptus and peppermint, are great at clearing stuffy nasal passages. They help you breathe easier so you can have a restful night’s sleep without snoring. It is worth trying them out when you are congested.
People who carry excess weight, especially in their neck area, are more likely to snore. Overweight people also store fat in their throat, blocking their airway and making snoring worse. If you are a little heavier than you should be, endeavor to become thinner immediately. You will sleep well and feel better from the loss.
Here’s one funny way for you to be more mindful of your snoring. Attaching an object to your back will help you to roll to your side each time you end up on your back.
Cutting down on your smoking is a great way to minimize your snoring. If you are unable to stop smoking, cut down and do not smoke near bedtime. Smoking causes your throat to swell, narrowing your air passageways. Cutting back on smoking or eliminating it entirely will reduce the amount of throat inflammation you suffer and make snoring less common for you.
Breathing through your mouth as you sleep makes you much more likely to snore, since snoring sounds occur when air enters and exits the throat through the mouth. If you breathe through your nose, the air you take in will not enter your throat. Mouth breathing can be prevented through the use of chin straps or mouth sealants that work by keeping your mouth closed while you sleep. You can find these devices at your local pharmacy.
One good way to prevent snoring is to inquire at your pharmacy about over-the-counter snoring remedies. There are various prescriptions, but OTC medications can work and save you money too. These types of medications work by reducing the swelling, and any other factors that may make your air passages narrow.
When aiming to prevent snoring, you should stay away from consuming alcohol and sleeping pills because these can relax the muscles in your throat and depress your nervous system. Both these things cause snoring. They may also cause the development of sleep apnea, a disorder which can cause cardiovascular disease. So, it is wise to avoid both of these substances.
Eat a spoon or two of honey before going to bed. No one seems to know why honey is such an effective treatment, but many people swear by it. This shouldn’t come as a surprise if you actually think about the many uses of honey for treating various ailments.
Change your sleeping position to your side and reduce your snoring. Snoring keeps your partner awake resulting in frustration. This solution hasn’t been clinically proven to work, though. There is, however, anecdotal evidence that sleeping this way opens the airways and reduces snoring.
You may be able to eliminate your snoring with the help of a basic tennis ball. Attach the ball in the center of your back on the shirt you wear to bed. Whenever you feel the ball, it will prompt you to turn to the side, instead of sleeping on your back. Laying on your side is the most effective way to reduce snoring.
Do not drink alcohol or use sleeping pills before you sleep. These chemicals calm your body and relax your muscles, causing your throat to collapse. Snoring can be caused by lax and lagging muscles in the throat. Watch out because the active ingredients can cause sleep apnea.
Dairy Products
If you have a partner that snores and it bothers you, think about going to bed before they do so you are able to get to sleep before you have to hear their night time noises. If you sleep lightly, this method may not work but is always worth a try.
Eating too much dairy can cause snoring problems. Staying away from dairy close to bedtime for a week or so, will give you a chance to see if the snoring stops. Many people experience increased mucus production after consuming dairy products. The restriction of these passages may result in snoring. You can still have dairy products, just eat them during breakfast or lunch instead.
Don’t consume dairy right before you go to bed. Consuming dairy products can lead to the production of mucus, which can cause you to snore. Eating dairy products that are known for mucus production will cause your sinuses to produce mucus overnight and block your airway, which will cause you to snore.
Try using essential oils for a little snore-reducing aromatherapy. Some of these oils, such as eucalyptus and peppermint, are great at clearing stuffy nasal passages. You will breathe easier and be less likely to begin snoring if you make use of them. Try them out when your nasal passages feel congested.
One problem that common snorers ignore is the effects it has on one’s relationship with a spouse or partner. Snoring can stir up feelings of frustration or anger and possibly even result in separate sleeping arrangements. That isn’t good for a relationship; it is smart to see a doctor so he or she can help you determine the cause of your snoring and give you both relief about the problem.
Snoring is very frustrating. It is irritating to hear, can keep others around you awake, and rob both yourself and them from having restful sleep. Thankfully, there are effective treatment options that can minimize your snoring, or even eliminate it entirely. This article has shown you different techniques you can use to stop snoring. Apply them to your life to get your snoring under control.
It is a good idea to avoid eating and drinking (especially alcohol) during the three hours prior to bedtime. This will reduce snoring. Heavy meals and too much alcohol both relax your throat muscles. As a result, you will be more prone to snoring, regardless of whether or not you have a history of doing so.