Get Worry-Free Rest With This Sleep Apnea Advice

If you or someone you know wakes up often during the night, they may suffer from sleep apnea. Don’t ignore your sleep apnea, and be sure to get your partner on board for treatment consultations. Read the following article for more information.

Being overweight can be a cause of sleep apnea. The obvious solution is to lose the excess weight. They should follow a sensible weight loss plan, usually involving a restricted calorie diet combined with exercise. Reducing carbs in the diet may also help.

Sleep Apnea

If you have sleep apnea and you’re overweight, try shedding those pounds. Studies have found a correlation between sleep apnea and obesity. If you are obese, lose at least 20 pounds to see if it makes a change for the better with your sleep apnea. It will also help ward off other medical conditions, too.

Learning how to play a wind instrument is something which can help ease the symptoms of your sleep apnea. Regular playing of the didgeridoo has been found by German scientists to strengthen the muscles of the upper airway. This muscle group controls how your airway dilates and how your airway walls stiffen. This is why if you play often you will have less sleep apnea issues.

Have a mouth guard made for you. These special guards are designed to help people who suffer with sleep apnea. A mouth guard is more comfortable than wearing a CPAP and is better to sleep with. The soft tissues are given the support that they need to keep the airways open.

Eating in a healthy way will help you drop weight and fight apnea. A lot of sleep apnea sufferers are shocked by the role that a bad diet has in their affliction. Research indicates that less nutritious food may exacerbate sleep apnea.

Attempt to sleep on the side to get a full night of rest in spite of apnea. The airway obstructions that cause sleep apnea are far more likely to occur if you sleep on your back than in any other position. If you can get to sleep lying on your side (and stay that way through the night), you may well experience a much less trouble night.

Try to sleep on your sides to keep sleep apnea from ruining your sleep. The airway obstructions that cause sleep apnea are far more likely to occur if you sleep on your back than in any other position. Give sleeping on your side a try, and see if your symptoms improve.

Avoid using sleeping pills if you have sleep apnea. Much like alcohol, sleeping pills can relax your throat muscles. There are also a myriad of other problems that can arise with the use of sleeping pills. Discuss alternative methods for getting to sleep without altering your breathing with your physician.

Although you should speak with your doctor about sleep apnea, you can try certain things yourself. Quitting smoking and losing weight are great for anyone, but are even better for sleep apnea patients. Overeating, consuming an excessive amount of alcohol and too much caffeine before bed can all exacerbate sleep apnea.

Without a partner in your bed to tell you how you sleep, you may not know that you experience sleep apnea. One way to see for yourself is to train a camcorder on yourself as you sleep. Whatever video system you set up also need an audio component, since your physicians are going to need to hear the sounds you make.

Never sleep on your back if you experience the symptoms of sleep apnea. A lot of people suffering from apnea have problems with blocked airways because they sleep not on their side, but on their backs. Use whatever means you can to keep from rolling on your back. Pillows can help and some people even sew a tennis ball into the back of their night clothes.

Your doctor might ask you to write down when you sleep and wake. Keep track of how long you are able to sleep at night, as well as anything else related to your sleeping process. If you have a partner, they may be able to help document your snoring, jerky body movements and stoppage of breathing. This type of data can help your doctor diagnose the issue.

Sleep apnea is not something that should be ignored, because it will not go away without treatment. There are treatments that work for some, but not others. Getting to a lower weight can cut back on symptoms in a lot of sufferers, but even slender folks can be afflicted. The CPAP machine and other non-invasive procedures have been helpful for millions. Other people may be inclined to opt for surgery where changes may be made to the airway passages. No matter what route you take, your treatment is definitely key to a happy life.

Find ways to decrease the risk factors of our sleep apnea. Some of the risk factors associated with sleep apnea cannot be changed such as being born a male or having it run it the family. But, there are other things you can do to cut out risks such as not smoking or drinking heavily, and also managing your weight.

One way to help with sleep apnea is to quit smoking. Smoking cause the airways to swell, making sleep apnea worse. To quit smoking, try a smoking cessation program or use nicotine replacement therapy. After 30 days of dedication, you should almost be cured from being addicted to smoking. Over time, you’ll find you need and/or want nicotine less.

A great method of reducing your sleep apnea symptoms is strengthening your throat muscles. The cause of sleep apnea is a blockage in the airways which results in a lack of an ability to breathe. Strong muscles are less likely to constrict airways.

Don’t drink too much if you have sleep apnea. Drinking causes the throat muscles to relax excessively, which causes snoring and a blocked airway. Either stop drinking entirely, or limit your consumption to only one or two drinks well before you go to bed. If you do this, your quality of sleep should improve.

Don’t binge drink if you have sleep apnea. Drinking can relax the throat muscles too much, and that can cause airways to be blocked as well as snoring. So stop drinking because this will only be a detriment to your sleep. If you do this, your quality of sleep should improve.

Learn to play a woodwind instrument. This will not only be fun and relaxing, it will also help you excercise the muscles responsible for your breathing control. Training your breathing muscles regularly will make them stronger and they will help you control your symptoms of sleep apnea while you sleep.

If you suffer from snoring or sleep apnea, learn to play an instrument. This is good for your soul, and playing a wood instrument will reduce sleep apnea issues. Taking up an instrument can help you with controlling your airways.

Here you have read through some wonderful advice with regards to sleep apnea. You should not assume that you can ignore sleep apnea. Educate others through the information you’ve read in this article.

If you have a history of anxiety, try getting in a hot bath before bed. This can relieve symptoms of anxiety induced sleep apnea. When you bathe in hot water, it calms your muscles and melts away tension. You will find it easier to fall asleep and get a good night’s rest uninterrupted by sleep apnea.