Yeast infections are an exceedingly common frustration that millions of women have to suffer through. One problem they have is that they’re not sure how to deal with these infections at all. You can learn all you need to learn about treating and preventing yeast infections from this article.
When you’ve finished an activity that causes you to expend a lot of your energy, put on new clothes. It’s very important to keep the vaginal area clean and dry so as to help reduce the risk of yeast infections.
Change your clothes after working out and getting sweaty. Changing clothes keeps the body fresh and prevents a potential infection.
Sweating a lot can create a humid and warm environment. Yeast likes nothing better than to grow in such an environment. To help alleviate moisture in and around the vagina wear clothes made of natural fibers such as cotton. Natural fabrics can breathe quite well and that helps keep moisture caused by sweat from building up. Synthetic fibers, such as Lycra and spandex, should be avoided. These fabrics trap moisture.
Sweating creates a moist, humid environment. This environment is, unfortunately, ideal for moisture-loving yeast. Clothing that is made of natural things like cotton should be worn. These fabrics reduce sweating because they are more breathable fabrics. Lycra, spandex and nylon are never good choices. All of these man-made fabrics trap moisture that promotes the growth of yeast.
If you get a lot of yeast infections, consider what types of products you are using in and around your vagina. Do not use cleansers and soaps that have dyes and fragrances. These things have the tendency to mess with pH balances which can make certain areas breeding grounds for yeast. Use non-harmful hypoallergenic products instead.
When it comes to stress, yeast infections love it! Stress reduces the effectiveness of the immune system, making infections in the body more likely.
Cotton panties are always recommended. Silk underwear may be more attractive, but it can cause serious problems. See if you can stick only with cotton undergarments that foster good circulation. That can stop a yeast infection dead in its tracks.
Yeast Infections
Try not to use douches. You may feel that this helps to keep the area clean, but in actuality, the body already keeps itself in balance the natural way. By throwing off your body’s pH, you may get more yeast infections. Cleansing the external skin with gentle soap and water should suffice.
If you keep getting yeast infections, you might have to reconsider bath products you use. Soaps and body wash products with fragrances and other chemical ingredients could be the cause of your frequent yeast infections. They can upset the PH balance in your body and can cause an infection. Rather, you should concentrate on using gentle, hypoallergenic products.
Perfumes are very bad for your vaginal area. Soaps that are scented, as well as other sprays might irritate your vagina and make yeast grow. It is very important to avoid using scented tampons because they come in direct contact with your vagina. You may find toilet paper which is colored or has prints will cause irritation, too.
If you tend to get a lot of yeast infections, do not wear fancy underwear, no matter how pretty it may be. Plain cotton keeps you dry, but lace, nylon and other fancy types can lock in heat and moisture. That creates a breeding ground for yeast and can give you another infection, so stick with comfortable cotton!
Eat more yogurt if you regularly get yeast infections. Yogurt can help the bacterial balance in your digestive tract and vaginal area by providing good bacteria. By consuming a serving of yogurt everyday, you can minimize yeast infections and have a healthier body.
If you are prone to develop yeast infections, avoid perfumed bath products and soaps. The scents of these products cause yeast infection organisms to flourish, increasing your chances of a yeast infection. Even menstrual products with perfume can cause issues.
Eat yogurt. If you begin to feel yeast infection symptoms, like itching or burning, eat some yogurt. The acidophilus it contains returns the healthy bacteria to your body. When your body takes in more yogurt, the bad bacteria that cause yeast infections are reduced, and the yeast infection can heal faster.
As stated previously, a lot of women cope with their yeast infections without being fully educated about them. If you have the right information about yeast infections, you will find them easier to cope with in the future. Stay mindful of all that you have read here, and refer back to this article in the future for refreshers.
Practice good hygiene to avoid yeast infections. Thoroughly clean the genital area. The next step is to dry it with a towel or blow dryer. Yeast grows in warm, moist environments; therefore, keep the area as dry as possible.