Great Home Remedies For Treating Your Snoring

Sometimes snoring is just an annoying nighttime distraction, but at other times it is a sign of a serious health problem. There are different causes of snoring for different people. Read this article to find out what common causes are and what you can do to treat it.

Switch your sleeping position to stop snoring. The majority of people who snore do so while laying on their back, since gravity causes their head to go down and their throat to close up. Sleeping on your side will lessen the weight on your neck and make snoring more unlikely.

Many people find significant relief from snoring by sleeping in a more upright position using several pillows as props. This will stop your nose from congesting and instead allow drainage to flow down your throat. This can prevent snoring.

Quit smoking if you want to end snoring. Smoking causes the tissues in your throat to become irritated, which in turn causes your throat to swell. If the tissues in your throat are swollen, you are more likely to snore.

It seems ironic, but taking sleeping pills can lead to snoring; if you avoid taking them, therefore, you can reduce the likelihood that you will snore. The main effect of sleeping pills is to relax every one of your muscles. The ones that keep your nasal passages open will sag, making the passages narrower. The result is the snoring sound as the air moves through these restricted air ways.

Snoring can be remedied by sleeping propped upon 2-3 pillows or by sleeping in a position similar to sitting. The pillows will help prevent nasal discharge from accruing in the nasal passages and will instead force the discharge into the lungs. This will help stop snoring.

You can eliminate snoring by making funny faces–specifically faces that resemble a fish breathing while he swims. These exercises build your muscles in your throat and face. Just keep your mouth closed and suck your cheeks in. Move your lips around like a fish would. Perform this simple exercise a couple of times per day.

Taking sleeping pills to get to sleep can actually increase the chance that you will snore, so refrain from taking them. Part of the therapeutic effect of sleeping pills involves muscle relaxation. Those which keep your throat open while you sleep relax too, leading to airway collapse. So you’ll wind up snoring because of this.

Visit with your physician about prescription drugs that could lead to snoring. Some of these medications can make you snore. There are many medications currently available that may relax the muscles in your throat and restrict airways. These medications include pain medicine, muscle relaxers, sleeping pills and antihistamines. A restricted airway will also contribute to excess snoring.

Reduce snoring by getting enough exercise throughout the day. Exercising helps you develop regular breathing patterns, which should allow you to breathe easily when you sleep. Exercise not only helps to keep your respiratory system in good working order, but also is a wonderful stress reducer. It has been shown that high stress levels can alter breathing patterns, which in turn can make you snore.

Nasal strips may help reduce snoring. The strips are reminiscent a Band-Aid. They do a lot more than a Band-Aid ever could! Your nasal pathways will stay open throughout the night. You will be better able to breath with your nose and it can greatly decrease your snoring.

Your pharmacist might be about to recommend a remedy for your snoring. There are several over-the-counter options available. Prescription remedies are also available, but they typically cost more than the over-the-counter options. These kind of remedies reduce the swelling in your throat and nose, and help you breathe.

You can reduce your snoring significantly by quitting smoking. If you are unable to stop smoking, cut down and do not smoke near bedtime. The passages through which air flows in your body will narrow when your smoke, due to swelling in your throat. Narrowed airways often result in more snoring, so refraining from smoking will help prevent the inflammation that causes this.

Check your current medications for any side effects that involve snoring. A few medicines dry out your nasal passages, resulting in inflammation and reduced airflow. Other medications may act as a sedative that could cause your throat muscles to relax so much, enough air isn’t able to pass through as you sleep.

A good way to limit snoring is to go to a pharmacy and have the pharmacist recommend an OTC remedy designed to address snoring. Prescription remedies are also available, but if over-the-counter versions work, you will have less of an expense. The medicines counteract the swelling, and other factors that narrow your air passages.

Eating smaller evening meals can reduce snoring. Large meals eaten near bedtime will fill up the stomach. This can force the diaphragm upwards, and the resulting pressure can decrease or block air passage. When a throat is narrowed or blocked, airflow is reduced and may result in snoring.

Try doing a throat exercise that involves sliding the tongue against the back of the top front teeth to reduce snoring. Thrust your tongue back and forth, from the back of your throat to the back of your teeth. Do this for several minutes. As you engage the muscles in your mouth and jaw, you will be promoting open airways. As a result, you will be less likely to snore.

Do you snore frequently? Then watch what you eat right before bedtime. Everything from alcohol to muscle relaxants can loosen the muscles in your throat. This may cause collapsing inward, which can obstruct your air passages and cause snoring. Water is the best choice when trying to stay hydrated throughout the night.

A great way to decrease snoring is to drop some pounds. Having excess fat around the neck will put an increase of pressure on the airways. The pressure can cause the airway to close off. Your snoring may be improved if you lose even a couple of pounds.

Consider eating a tablespoon of honey before you go to bed. No one really knows why it mitigates snoring, but the anecdotal evidence that it does work is strong. It seems less odd when you do a survey of the literature on home remedies and see how often honey comes up.

To decrease your chances of snoring during the night, try not to sleep flat on your back. If you can’t quite figure out a good way to not be a back sleeper, then try to attach a large object like a ball to the back portion of your pajamas. Using this technique will cause you to experience mild discomfort if you rollover onto your back while sleeping.

You can encourage bilateral sleeping positions throughout the night with this simple trick. Before going to bed, put the tennis ball onto the back of the clothes that you wear to bed. While you are asleep, feeling the ball against your back will cause you to turn onto your side. If you sleep on your side, you will notice a significant reduction in your snoring.

Snoring can mean more than another noise you make while sleeping — it may be a clue that you have a more serious condition. Treatments that work for one person may not work for another. However, following the advice provided in this article can help you start to find a solution.

Consider exercising your tongue regularly. It may sound comical, but you can actually exercise your tongue by sticking it in and out of your mouth. While you’re doing this, keep your tongue rigid when it’s extended. Point the tip of your tongue in one direction, followed by another. When doing this routine, it’s important to hit each of the four points. The more toned your tongue muscles are, the better your chances are to breathe efficiently.