If you have a common cold, you wouldn’t hesitate to call a friend for advice. However, if you have a yeast infection, you probably wouldn’t want to tell anyone. This is because many people are embarrassed about having a yeast infection. The following article will help answer your questions about yeast infections. For yeast infection tips and advice, see the helpful article below.
If you don’t want to have problems with a yeast infection, be certain to dry your body as much as you can after you have showered. Excess moisture is a leading instigator of yeast growth and subsequent infections. Yeast can grow with water, so make sure that you dry efficiently.
If you do get a yeast infection then get yourself checked out by a medical professional. You don’t want to sit around and let the infection get worse.
Profuse sweat encourages a humid, warm environment. Moist, wet environments encourage yeast growth. Wear clothing that’s made of natural materials. Natural fibers reduce sweating and are “breathable”. You want to avoid synthetic fabrics like spandex, Lycra and nylon. These materials trap sweat and humidity.
If you get yeast infections frequently, you may want to reconsider your body cleansing products. Avoid cleansers and soaps with dyes and fragrances. These products can affect the pH and natural chemistry of the vagina and create a prime yeast-growing environment. Rather, stick with milder, hypoallergenic options.
Stress is something that can also make you more prone to getting a yeast infection. Stress can limit the effectiveness of your immune system, which plays a very large part in keeping you healthy and preventing infections during the course of the day.
Do not use douches. While it may feel like you are doing the right thing, you are creating an imbalance in your system. Interfering with the balance in your body will make you more prone to a yeast infection. Instead, just rinse with soapy water.
If you have yeast infections frequently, you might need to switch up bath products. Do not use cleansers and soaps that have dyes and fragrances. These products can upset the natural pH of the vagina and provide a friendly environment for yeast to grow. Try to refrain from using extreme products to create equilibrium with your body.
If you are suffering from a yeast infection, lactobacilious acidophilis can do wonders for you. It is a live culture you can find in yogurt, and it can fight the growth of your infection. Foods containing sugar should never be introduced in the vaginal area, so make sure the yogurt is sugar-free. Yeast need to eat sugar, so the more you take in, the more they can reproduce.
Do not use any scented soaps around your vagina. Scented sprays and soaps can be irritating, increasing the chance of a yeast infection. Scented tampons and pads are the worst culprit. Also, don’t use toilet paper with colored dyes.
Avoid the more decorative undergarments if you are prone to yeast infections, even if they are more attractive. Simple and plain cotton can help wick moisture, while synthetic fabrics tend to trap moisture. This makes it easy for yeast to develop and thrive, so if you’re worried about a yeast infection you should go with cotton!
When using a cream, stay away from condoms or other like birth control items. The treatment can make these methods of birth control less efficient. Avoid having sex until the yeast infection has cleared up. If you can’t refrain from sexual activity, you should consult with your doctor as to which method of birth control would be the most appropriate.
Tea Tree Oil
One natural method for treating a yeast infection is the use of apple cider vinegar. Dilute it with water, and then rub on the infected area. If you put it on undiluted, it can really burn. If you begin to itch, add a bit of garlic to the mixture to soothe the itch.
You can use some tea tree oil to treat your yeast infection. A mixture of almond oil and tea tree oil is effective as a topical application on the vagina. Avoid using this oil without diluting it with a carrier oil as it may burn and make you feel worse down there. This is a great way to fight vaginal infections and help balance out the body.
A great way to kill bacteria in your body is with the use of tea tree oil. Mix a small amount of almond oil with tea tree oil and then apply it to your vagina. You should dilute tea tree oil so it doesn’t cause a worse burning sensation than you’re already feeling. This treatment will combat infections and restore a sense of order to the female genitalia.
Make sure you get enough rest. The immune system in your body can fight effectively against yeast infections. Having little sleep affects your immune system, which in turn will make you more likely to get a yeast infection, Stick with a regular sleeping schedule, and avoid drinking caffeinated beverages close to bedtime.
If you incur a yeast infection each time your menstrual cycle occurs, take action beforehand. Consume a couple of acidophilus tablets prior to the period starting, and a couple when it’s over. You are sure to see a significant reduction in symptom, if not total eradication. By being proactive, you can hopefully stop the infection before it even starts.
If you have recently been stricken with a yeast infection, you don’t exactly want to tell everyone you know about the problem. Luckily, the tips in the preceding article demonstrate that you have plenty of options for dealing with the infection. You’ll be able to overcome a yeast infection without problems with these tips.
Keep an eye out for scrapes and scratches. Even the slightest of skin tears can increase your risk of getting a yeast infection. Scratches can be caused by sex, or even tampons. Exercise caution when doing both things. If yeast infections happen to you often, try not to have sex that is too rough.