Although it has been proven time and time again that nicotine is terrible for health, a lot of people have an incredibly difficult time quitting smoking. If this applies to you, reading the tips given here can help you shake off this unhealthy habit. Apply the tips that you think will be most helpful when you try to stop smoking.
To increase your chances of being successful in your efforts to quit smoking, consider writing out a list of pros and cons of quitting. When you put something in writing, it often has an affect on your entire mental outlook. When you think about your list, it can make your motivation stronger, and keep your focus on the benefits of staying smoke free.
Tell your loved ones that you’re quitting smoking today. Informing loved ones of your plans will give them the ability to help you with your journey. This could be the nudge in the right direction you need to quit smoking.
You may wish to join a support group when you decide to stop smoking. These new ex-smokers can be a valuable source of support when faced with the various challenges that confront you, as they have or are dealing with them as well. These people will offer you guidance, support, and advice on how to stop. To locate a support group near you, check with churches, recreational centers, or community colleges in your area.
Many people find that taking up a new fitness program, exercise class or physical acivity can make it easier to avoid smoking. You can experience great stress relief through exercise. If you don’t exercise, start off slowly with a few walks. Ask your doctor, before you start engaging in any exercise activities.
If decide to give up smoking, try hypnosis. Professional hypnotists have been extremely successful in treating individuals who want to give up the habit. A hypnotist has the ability to plant strong and permanent suggestions in your subconscious. Once you come out of the trance, the desire to smoke will not be as strong. This means you will be closer to quitting successfully.
To prevent yourself from gaining weight after quitting smoking, snack on fresh fruits and vegetables instead of sweets or carb-laden foods. Substituting healthy foods will minimize the amount of weight you may gain. You body will be craving food when you stop smoking and a healthy diet will keep you focusing on a healthy lifestyle.
Many people turn to food when they quit smoking, so it is important that you stock up on healthy snacks. This can help balance out your system and avoid unnecessary weight gain. Remember that your body is going to crave food when you quit and the best thing to do is give it healthy food to keep you in a healthy state of mind.
If you would like to quit smoking, speak with your doctor. Your doctor can offer you advice, information and tools that you can’t get anywhere else. Furthermore, if the doctor believes it to be in your best interest, they may prescribe medication that aids in your effort.
If quitting smoking cold turkey is not an option, supplement your attempts with nicotine replacement products such as nicotine gum or patches. These over-the-counter medications supply your body with nicotine while you work to break the habit, which can help you stave off the worst of the physical withdrawal symptoms.
Support Group
Each time you reach a milestone in your journey to quit smoking, reward yourself. For instance, after your first smoke-free week you could go to a movie. If you can quit for a month, treat yourself to dinner at the most delicious restaurant in town. Going forward, increase the significance of the rewards until you are completely smoke-free, and don’t even think about it anymore.
Don’t try to quit smoking without help and support from others. Gather a support group of non-smoking friends and family to help you when you are struggling. Joining a support group is another great idea. Meeting other people who want to quit will help you stay motivated and you will be able to share tips.
Fortify your resolve to not give in, by creating a solid backup plan for when the cravings kick in, or the pressure adds up. Adopt healthier habits and hobbies such as working out, taking long walks, or listening to music and dancing. Whenever you find yourself with time on your hands, fill it with the things you love to do, like talking with friends, interesting games or books.
The only way to stop smoking is to stop. Stopping will start you on your new path. Quit and don’t allow yourself to ever smoke again. While this method may seem a bit difficult. However, this method has been shown to actually be more effective, as time goes by.
Stop smoking to benefit your loved ones, and their health. Secondhand smoke can cause cancer and other major health complications. Your health, and the health of those you love, will improve dramatically when you quit. Quitting smoking provides benefits to you and those you love.
If you smoke at home, clean your place thoroughly, so it doesn’t smell of smoke. Have your carpets and furniture cleaned, scrub your walls and wash any fabric window treatments you may have. The smell will be refreshing and not remind you of cigarettes as you walk around your home. Keep cigarettes out of you mind by eliminating the smells.
Start by cutting back on your smoking. This helps to guide you down the road to stopping your reliance on cigarettes. Wait as long as possible to have your first cigarette in the morning. Try smoking only half a cigarette to reduce your smoking.
Set up an incentive plan for yourself. When you reach one of your goals, reward yourself. Make a list of the rewards you will offer yourself once you’ve stopped smoking for one day, a week, a month and so on. Post the list in a noticeable place where you will be able to see it each day. This motivation will be helpful when you’re feeling temptation.
Each time you hit a landmark in your regimen to quit smoking, reward yourself. Make a list of things that you can use to reward yourself for reaching a week, month or day of nonsmoking. Put that list somewhere where you can see it prominently each day. This might just help to keep you motivated during times of weakness.
Try to find a support group online, there are many forums available. There are a plethora of websites devoted to helping people quit smoking. It may be helpful to talk with other smokers about the different quitting techniques they have tried. You will find comfort in talking to people who are going through the same kind of struggles.
Your success is contingent on maintaining your motivation. You can do this by putting messages on the wall to remind yourself of the goals that you set. Whatever method you use, the visual reminders might be helpful in combating the cravings at a later time.
Create ideas for how to manage moments that are stressful. Most people who smoke will light up when they’re stressed out. You’re less likely to give in to this temptation if you put a plan in place for dealing with stress. Come up with several alternatives for stress relief so that you can try different things if the first thing on your list doesn’t eliminate the desire to smoke.
The first seven days without cigarettes will be the most difficult part of quitting. Keep this in mind if you feel like you can’t get through that first week. The initial 48 hours is when the body tries to get rid of all the nicotine it has held onto. Once 48 hours have passed, your craving for nicotine will usually just be psychological. These symptoms aren’t easy to deal with, but are nowhere near as bad as the initial nicotine withdrawal.
Remember the initial week will surely be the hardest when you stop smoking. In the first two days you’ll be expelling the toxins that smoking put into your body. After that, your cravings will be mostly psychological. The psychological addiction isn’t easy to overcome, but knowing that you’ve gotten passed the worst of it is a great motivator to resist the urge to pick up a smoke.
Exercise instead of smoking; this can help you a lot. Exercise releases endorphins into your system. This helps you feel happy and balances you out. In addition, doing something productive like exercising helps you forget that you’re craving cigarettes. Also, you’ll lose metabolic rate when you quit, and exercise can speed it back up.
Workout every day. You might be surprised by how much easier and more pleasurable exercise is now that you’re not smoking. Regular physical exercise can also help you to keep your body weight under control. The endorphins can help take a bit of the edge off the withdrawal symptoms, although their effect cannot compare to that of nicotine.
Once you have decided to quit smoking, start making a written list of all your motivations for quitting. When that urge to smoke hits, review your list for a little inspiration to stay on track.
Eat healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables to help you quit smoking. There are a few reasons that consuming low-calorie, healthy, natural foods is helpful. For example, your mouth and hands will always be busy, so you won’t need the repetitive movements of smoking. Consuming these foods on a regular basis will also help keep you from gaining weight. The nutrients in these foods can even improve how you feel during withdrawal.
Follow a sensible diet. You shouldn’t try to diet during the same time that you’re trying to quit smoking. Instead, you should eat a balanced diet full of fruits and vegetables while quitting smoking. If you smoke, veggies and fruit can give a bad mouth taste if you smoke. Including fresh produce and low fat dairy will give you the energy you need and make you less inclined to smoke.
Draft a list of your motivations for quitting smoking, and post it around your home, put a copy in your wallet, and even keep one at work. Put the list somewhere you can always see it to remind you of the reasons that you need to remain strong. Look at it whenever you feel like lighting up again.
Rather than smoking, substitute the habit with healthy exercise. Once you quit smoking, you will notice an improvement in your health, your energy and even in your sense of smell. When you exercise, you will not want to smoke and ruin your progress.
Using the advice presented here should give you a good start in kicking the smoking habit for good. Your life is worth being lived in a tobacco-free way. Give yourself the chance to stop this difficult addiction. You will reap the benefits of this decision each and every day with better health, vitality and a lot more change in your pocket!
Decide on something to use as a reward for yourself to reinforce your decision to quit smoking. You are going to be saving a lot of money when you stop buying cigarettes. Buy yourself a treat with the money you save to reward yourself for your hard work and dedication. Use this idea to keep you motivated in your cessation efforts.