Smoking affects not only your own health, but the health of those around you. Smoking leads to emphysema, lung cancer, and heart attacks. It is dangerous for people around you to inhale your second hand smoke. These are just some of the reasons why you should quit. The article here gives you several tips that could be helpful in successfully quitting smoking.
If you want to quit smoking, join a support group. It can be helpful to discuss your problems with ex-smokers who have had the same challenges as you. Other ex-smokers can support you in your attempt to stop smoking, and can suggest techniques to try that worked for them. Support groups can be found in many places, such as your church, rec center or college, ask around.
Give hypnosis a try if you want to quit smoking. Visiting a licensed hypnotist is an effective strategy that has worked for many individuals. The hypnotist puts you into a trance, giving your mind positive affirmations which stay with you. Cigarettes are less appealing to you when you wake, making you that much closer to quitting.
Tell your loved ones that you’re quitting smoking today. Just by letting them know what you are attempting to do, they will be able to be a support team for you and assist you in staying motivated and fighting temptations. This might be the extra motivation you need in order to keep on track with quitting smoking.
As with other addictions, approach each day without a cigarette as a small victory. Don’t focus on not smoking ever again. Instead, focus on not smoking today. Short term goals can make the process of quitting both mentally and physically easier. After you have adjusted to the idea of not smoking and feel more confident, you can then look at a longer commitment.
Create a list of ideas on how quitting smoking can be achieved. Take time to create a list of ideas that fits your own lifestyle and habits. Each person has a unique way to taking care of things and accomplishing goals. It is so important you find ideas that are going to work the best for you, personally. This is easy to determine by writing your own list.
Getting in shape will help you to kick the habi,t by distracting you from cravings and restoring your health. Exercise will also help you relieve stress. When you have not exercised for a while, start off with easy walks and build from there. Don’t exercise without consulting your physician about what are safe and appropriate exercises for you.
Concentrate on eating veggies and fruits rather than sweets to avoid gaining the weight that typically occurs when anyone stops smoking. The habit of eating these things can really help in controlling the weight gain that is associated with quitting. Eating a healthy diet will keep your mind focused and reduce your unhealthy cravings as you readjust to your life without cigarettes.
10 Minutes
There are wonderful supplements in the form of nicotine patches and even gum to help you stop smoking if you need some help. These products will ease some of the withdrawal symptoms you might go through. Nicotine is a highly addictive drug and the physical cravings can be very difficult to overcome.
If you absolutely must have a cigarette now, try delaying it for a while. Tell yourself that you will wait 10 minutes and then find a way to distract yourself for that time period. Usually, after the 10 minutes have passed, any craving will have gone away. If the craving hasn’t passed, then repeat the first step again.
Make a study of what triggers your smoking, and then find ways to avoid your triggers. For instance, if you tend to smoke while driving or while drinking, it is important to adjust the way you do such things, so that do not automatically prompt you to smoke. Find something else that can take your mind off of things when this happens
When a craving comes on to eat after you stop smoking, reach for vegetables and fruit. This will prevent the likelihood of weight gain that is so common for people who’ve recently given up cigarettes. Feed your cravings with only the healthiest foods, like fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
Commitment is key to quitting smoking, so are you able to commit to never smoking again? You must answer yes to this question before you start quitting. Failure to successfully quit can often be attributed to not keeping the right mental attitude and simply resigning to giving up. You can provide yourself with motivation by thinking of the reasons you wanted to quit to begin with.
Obtain the support of your loved ones in helping you quit smoking. Also, make sure that they know not to be judgmental and are as optimistic as possible to improve your chance for success. Let them know that you’ll be moody at the beginning, since your thinking won’t be as clear. Quitting is one of the most difficult things a smoker may have to go through in their life and gaining the support of your loved ones is imperative to your success.
Talk to you doctor if you want to stop smoking. A physician has access to resources that you do not. Additionally, your doctor may prescribe medications to make quitting easier for you, so long as he or she feels that such treatments are appropriate for your situation.
Loved Ones
One good reason to quit is for the people close to you. Secondhand smoke can cause various dangerous health conditions, and diseases like cancer. By quitting smoking, you are reducing your loved ones’ exposure to this dangerous substance, and improving the quality of the air they breathe. By stopping smoking, you will not only protect yourself, but you will also protect your loved ones.
When you quit smoking you’ll not only help your own health, but that of your loved ones as well. Consider the dangers of secondhand smoke and realize that you are putting your family at risk of falling victim to these dangers every day. This should certainly motivate you to stop. If you stop smoking, you are removing secondhand smoke from your loved ones lives. Quitting smoking will not only reduce the risk to your own health, but also the risk to those around you.
Make sure you tell your friends and family that you are quitting smoking. They will support you and keep reminding you that you must quit. Having a support system is the best way to quit. A solid support system greatly improves your chances of quitting permanently.
Let your loved ones know that you want to stop smoking. The people who care about you will remind you of your need to quit. Building a support team is an optimal way to succeed at quitting. This can help you achieve your gaol.
Ask for support online through groups or forums. You will find an abundance of websites created to assist people with their desire to stop smoking. You may find outside support beneficial to your efforts. Moreover, those who are also quitting are going to be going through the same kinds of struggles you may be experiencing, emotionally and otherwise.
Set up a reward scheme for yourself in advance, and each time you hit a goal, treat yourself. Take some time to make a list of the rewards that you really want to enjoy. Make a promise to yourself that you will be granted one of these rewards after a week has passed, and then again after a month has passed. For motivational reasons, make sure you have your reward chart somewhere it is easily seen by you. Looking forward to your rewards can help you stay motivated during the moments you feel like caving.
Be prepared with strategies to help deal with situations that cause anxiety. A lot of smokers are accustomed to having a cigarette when encountering a stressful moment. If you develop an alternate plan, however, you will be better able to avoid smoking. Having multiple ideas to fall back on in the event the first one does not help enough is an even better plan.
Plan how you can deal with those stressful times. Many smokers get used to smoking when stressed. When you have a concrete plan, it is much easier to avoid smoking. Having multiple plans in place is ideal, in case one plan does not work out.
To help with the motivation factor of smoking cessation, always remember your family and those who would be affected in a big way if your health declined substantially because of this very dangerous habit. Roughly twenty percent of Americans die from smoking-related causes. Do not allow yourself to become a statistic.
If you need some extra motivation to stop smoking, keep your family and anyone else that would be affected if you were to get sick because this habit in your mind. Data suggests that about twenty percent of deaths in the United States have something to do with smoking. Do not allow yourself to become a statistic.
The best way to stop smoking is to quit today. By setting a date far into the future, you are reducing your chances for success. When you quit, you are reducing the risk of having adverse health affects. You also will improve your family’s health by protecting them from secondhand smoke, making it a greater motivation to quit.
NO needs to be part of your mantra. While a quick puff during those intense cravings may not seem like a terrible idea, it can disrupt your entire strategy and set you back a long time. Keep telling yourself that “just one” may do a lot of damage.
Increase your consumption of vegetables, fruits, seeds, and nuts when you quit smoking. Eating low calorie and healthy foods helps in quitting smoking for several reasons. First of all, having something to snack on occupies your mouth and hands when the urge to smoke strikes. Eating these foods regularly can also help slow down your weight gain after you quit smoking. The nutrients and vitamins even help you feel better during withdrawal.
Try to maximize exercise and lifting during the course of the day. Once you have quit smoking, it will be easier to adopt a fitness program. Endurance and lung capacity will improve noticeably. Increased exercise will also ensure that you don’t gain any weight after quitting. Although you get tremendous benefits from the endorphin’s produced through exercise, it won’t replace the nicotine high, but at least it will help calm down your cravings to smoke.
Ask for help if you feel like you can’t overcome the temptation to return to cigarettes. The person can be a friend, family member or even a coworker. Just make sure that it’s someone who will listen to your feelings and respond honestly. Not only is talking a good way to distract yourself from your cravings, you’ll also likely get the encouragement you need to recommit to quitting.
Smoking is a habit that kills. There are many health risks associated with smoking such as heart attacks, lung cancer, and emphysema. Second-hand smoke is also very dangerous and threatens all those around you when you smoke. Hopefully the advice that was given to you in this article will help you reach your goal of quitting smoking.
Many ex-smokers say that one of the hardest addictions to overcome when stopping smoking is the oral fixation associated with cigarette smoking. Many people find hard candy or gum to be useful when they quit smoking, and carry it with them all the time. While there are those that satisfy their cravings through electronic cigarettes.