It’s more important now than ever before that someone with asthma receive proper treatment. The demand for asthma help has led to new, innovative treatments. Right now is your opportunity to find a asthma treatment. Here are some tips that you can use to get you started with finding the help you need.
If you have been diagnosed with asthma, you should avoid cleaning products. It is very possible that one might bring on an asthma attack with some chemicals used for cleaning. If you clean the home, there are many natural products that are safe to use.
If your child or another loved one suffers from asthma, you should be sure to never smoke cigarettes when you’re near them. Secondhand smoke is something that can lead to serious asthma. You also need to be sure that your child isn’t around those that choose to smoke.
If you are suffering from asthma, stay away from any type of cigarette smoke. This cannot be emphasized enough: Stay away from cigarette smoke! Stay away from vapors and all chemical fumes so you are not able to breathe them in. More often than not, smoke is going to trigger an unavoidable asthma attack. Never visit a home or establishment where people will be smoking, and if people start to smoke, walk out.
Avoid being around any known asthma triggers. For some people, this can be pollen or other allergy triggers. Others have asthma attacks when they participate in physical activities. Determine what sets your asthma off so you can stay away from these things.
If you suffer from asthma and allergies that result in attacks, you can get injections of long-lasting medication for relief. Ask your allergist about omalizumab, an antibody drug that can reduce the severity of asthma symptoms and the frequency of attacks.
Asthma is ongoing. Therefore, it also requires continual management of your health. You need to keep taking your medications to control the asthma symptoms every day, and if an attack should occur, you should have quick relief medication at your disposal. See your doctor or allergist to find out which treatment plan is best for your situation.
A leukotriene inhibitor may be an excellent way for you to deal with asthma. A leukotriene inhibitor is for the prevention of leukotrienes. Leukotrienes are inflammation-causing chemicals that can bring on asthma attacks. The inhibitor will keep the leukotrienes from forming, which can reduce the frequency of asthma attacks that you experience.
Dust will make you have an attack, so keep the air calm in dirty rooms. This could trigger an asthma attack because this will move the dust around. A fan will just blow around dust without providing fresh air, so opening a window is a better option as it brings in fresh air and ventilation.
Learn how to use an inhaler in the correct manner if you do not already know. Find a good place and follow all of the directions that have been provided by the maker of the product. The medicine in the inhaler only works if it actually makes it to your lungs. Spray the stated dose of medicine into your mouth as you inhale. Make sure you hold your breath for 10 seconds or more to get the medications into your lungs.
Be sure you and your family members get a yearly flu vaccination. If you have asthma, you can protect your health by taking all steps possible to avoid any type of cold, flu or other upper respiratory infection. It’s important to take the standard precautions against these illnesses, such as hand washing and vaccinations.
Whenever you travel, always keep your rescue inhaler or other fast-acting medication by your side at all times. You may find that the stress of traveling makes an asthma attack more likely. It’s also hard to control the environment you’re in when traveling, which is another reason you might experience more symptoms or have an attack.
If you are dealing with asthma, make sure you take lots of Vitamins E and C. You can buy these vitamins to help you get better function from your lungs and control your asthma symptoms. Get these nutrients through supplements or food. Your immune system gets a boost with these vitamins, and this helps protect your body against illnesses and asthma.
Some common catalysts of asthma attacks regularly occur in the home. Some of these irritants include dust, mold and spores. An annual visit by a professional inspector can help keep your home free from these agents, and reduce the likelihood of an attack. Keep your house clean to keep these asthma triggers out of your home.
A dehumidifier is a beneficial investment for anyone with asthma. When your home has less humidity, there are less dust mites, and that minimizes the chances of an asthma flare-up. Dehumidifiers eliminate your home’s humidity, leaving dry air.
Use your maintenance or preventative inhaler every day. However, you should know that the drug may cause mouth infections near your gums and teeth. Brushing or gargling immediately after use can help reduce the risk of infection and other problems.
Cleaning Products
Allergens and asthma triggers, such as dust and pollen can cling to your bed linens. You can reduce or eliminate these potential asthma attack inducers by laundering your sheets and pillowcases in hot water every week. Clean bed linens that are washed frequently will help you breathe easier every time your head hits the pillow.
Studies show that using a variety of cleaning products in the home can actually increase the odds of triggering an asthma attack. Organic cleaning products should be selected due to their lack of irritating chemicals.
Consult with multiple doctors. Even though your primary care doctor can assist you in the basic care for your asthma, consider visiting a specialist also. Asthma centers, allergists, pulmonologists, and nutritionists can all help ensure you are attacking your asthma on all fronts.
Your asthma medication may need to be adjusted if you become ill. Many illnesses have side effects that could cause your asthma to flare up so badly that you need to have an increase in treatment. Your doctor may choose to also add an additional treatment until the illness gets better.
Any time that pollen counts go up, anyone suffering from asthma would be wise to keep their outdoors time to a minimum. Even though asthma isn’t an allergy, they share many things in common. The air quality information should be used to find out when it is better to stay indoors to avoid irritants present in the air.
Pay attention to your symptom triggers. The more aware of your triggers you become, the easier it will be to avoid them and reduce the number of attacks you suffer. Most asthma sufferers have a few common triggers such as smoke, pet dander or pollen. Try to avoid the things that make your asthma flare up.
If you have asthma and allergies and use a humidifier, make sure it is thoroughly cleaned as often as necessary. Permitting bacteria to grow inside the appliance will result in irritants being dispersed into the air you breathe.
If you suffer from asthma, you should refrain from sleeping on a pillow that contains feathers. The feathers contained in the pillow could trigger the symptoms related to asthma and it could prevent your lungs from functioning efficiently. The same it true for bedding, try purchasing sheets and comforters that are created from hypoallergenic materials.
Schedule regular visits with your doctor to check up on your asthma. Ideally these should occur every few months. Only your doctor can fully evaluate your condition and recommend appropriate changes in treatment. It is up to you to work with your doctor at regular appointments to keep your treatment plan working.
There are support groups available to you, both in person or on the Internet. Extremely severe asthma can be debilitating and prevent one from living a full life. As science marches on, new medications and treatments for asthma become available, and you can keep abreast of this progress through a good support group.
Possible sources that cause asthma include a either genes, environmental aspects or a mix of the two. If you have a family member with asthma, keep a close watch on your children and yourself for any asthma related symptoms. Things in the environment, like smoke, pollution, excessive dust and mold spores can trigger asthma; therefore, be sure that you and your children avoid these agents.
Asthma Attacks
Know the symptoms of a serious asthma attack so you’ll know when it is time to head for the hospital. These symptoms include a bluish tint to the lips or fingernails and unresponsiveness to medication. Your child may also be unable to speak.
During the colder months, avoid asthma attacks by wearing a scarf, shawl or muffler that covers the mouth and nose. This will keep you from breathing cold air. Breathing in the cold air has been shown to trigger asthma attacks, especially in younger children with moderate to severe asthma.
If you’re attacked by your asthma and are without your medications, try and consume some caffeine asap. Coffee, chocolate, or strong black tea can reduce some of the asthma attacks symptoms. The caffeine constricts your blood vessels and leads to the opening of your airways.
Monitor how often, each week, you need your rescue inhaler. If you use it more than two times a week, your asthma may need to be better controlled, or you are going through an usual period that brings on more regular attacks. You are able to judge how the environment around you effects your body by how many times you need to use your inhaler.
One important way for you to limit asthma agitation is by banning smoking in areas where affected persons will be, namely your living space and car. People can smoke outside or as far away from the person with asthma as possible. In some cases just the smell of a heavy smoker’s clothing can cause an asthma attack.
If you suffer from asthma, avoid being around smoke. Cigarette smoke will often trigger an asthma attack. Stay away from chemical fumes, vapors, and cigarette smoke at all times. Things like this can make your asthma worse. If someone smokes around you, ask them politely if they could smoke when you are not around.
A non-humid, clean environment will help you reduce or eliminate any asthma attacks that happen at your home. Use a dehumidifier to control your home’s moisture. Keeping the humidity in your home under control, you can help reduce the occurrence of attacks at any season of the year.
You should have a team of medical professionals to help you craft your asthma treatment. Your family doctor or primary care physician can be the person you go to regularly for asthma symptoms, but also talk to a few specialists. A pulmonologist, allergist, nutritionist and the staff at asthma centers can discuss a variety of treatments with you, to help you be sure you are following up on every possible good treatment available.
Exercising in cold, dry air can be very dangerous if you are afflicted with asthma. The bronchial tubes can become irritated by the temperature and low humidity, causing an asthma attack. You should be certain that the air is not cool or dry before you start to exercise outdoors.
It should be clear to you now: there are plenty of different treatment options available to asthma sufferers. It is important to find the best treatment for you. There is a lot of information available that will show the benefits of each treatment. If you can apply the tips you have learned in this article, then you are one step closer to getting a handle on those asthma symptoms.
If you require the use of a quick-relief inhaler more than a time or two each week, or if asthma attacks wake you up at night, you may need to switch asthma medications. Consult with your doctor.