Sleep Apnea Doesn’t Have To Ruin Your Sleep

Too many people don’t sleep enough, but they don’t think that a sleep disorder could be the culprit. One common disorder is sleep apnea which occurs when your airways are obstructed while you sleep. You can learn more about the causes of this problem, as well as some useful tips for treating it, by checking out the advice presented below.

One of the reasons many people suffer from sleep apnea is because they are carrying excessive weight. Anyone who is overweight and suffers from sleep apnea needs to lose weight for the sake of their health. The best way to lose weight is to become physically active with exercise at least four times per week and eat less food calories than are burned off each day by activity. Restricting carbohydrates has shown to be a big help in losing weight.

Do you regularly smoke cigarettes or drink alcohol? Eliminate bad habits. Alcohol and tobacco both cause airway problems. Alcohol use will lead to over-relaxation of your airways, making sleep apnea symptoms worse, while smoking can have a similar effect by constricting them. If you cannot get rid of these habits for good, make an effort to avoid smoking or drinking before you go to bed.

Get a mouth guard if your airways are the cause of your sleep apnea. Narrow airways can be opened, jaws can be properly aligned and nasal passages can be opened up to allow more air into the lungs. Ask your doctor to help you get fitted for a mouth guard.

Giving up smoking and drinking can help to improve your sleep apnea. Both of these habits are bad for the muscles in your air passage and can worsen apnea. Remember that surgery and medications are expensive. Correcting bad habits is free.

Giving up smoking and drinking can help to improve your sleep apnea. Alcohol relaxes the tongue and throat muscles, which can cause them to block your airway; smoking inflames the airway, causing it to narrow. Both of these habits can cause snoring and apnea. Giving up these habits can save you a lot of money as compared to expensive surgical procedures that might be needed later if you continue.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea can benefit from a good diet that results in your losing weight. A lot of people would be surprised to learn that eating badly makes sleep apnea worse. It’s been proven that poor diets can contribute to the severity of sleep apnea.

If your weight is higher than it should be, reverse that. Studies have found a correlation between sleep apnea and obesity. You may cure sleep apnea by just shedding twenty pounds.

Sleep apnea is not a condition to take likely. If you find you have some of the symptoms, talk to a physician as soon as you can. When you are officially diagnosed, you are going to be referred to a sleep specialist. You may even have to take a sleep test at home with a monitor to fully discover the depth of your symptoms.

If your doctor has prescribed a CPAP machine, try to wear it for about 4 hours every night. It can be hard for some people to sleep with the CPAP initially. However, it won’t be effective if you don’t use it every day. Starting at just four hours per session can help you ease into adjusting to your CPAP.

If you have tried everything to no avail, be sure to see your doctor about professional treatment. Not everyone responds to the standard treatment for sleep apnea, and some may need to do something a little more drastic, including surgical techniques.

Sleep apnea can be extremely tricky to diagnose yourself, especially if you sleep alone without a loved one to tell you about minor sleep problems you experience. Using a simple camcorder while you sleep can give you the information you need. Make sure that the microphone on your recording device picks up any snoring or other noises you make while sleeping, because your physician needs to hear them.

Stick to using just one normal sized pillow as you sleep. When you sleep on a pile of pillows, or one extremely thick pillow, your chin is pushed down toward your neck and restricts your air flow. Your body is in an unnatural position and breathing becomes difficult. This is why one pillow is best to manage your symptoms.

Chin Strap

Stop snoring devices are often helpful in treating sleep apnea. Snoring is caused by your airways being blocked with minor airflow, and apnea involves them being shut completely with no airflow. One of these devices, therefore, targets both of these situations. You could find yourself reducing your apnea with anti-snoring devices.

Try using a chin strap if your mouth falls open when you sleep while using a CPAP each night. The chin strap holds your chin so that you cannot sleep with your mouth open; it is a tiny piece of fabric. Try out CPAP therapy for your mouth.

Your doctor should make a certain diagnosis of your sleep apnea, but there are ways you can help yourself too. Try losing weight and eating healthier to get rid of your sleep apnea. It is also important to avoid consuming alcohol, caffeine and heavy meals at least two hours prior to going to sleep.

Sleep apnea symptoms can be worse if you also have allergies or other sinus related issues. You might have trouble breathing during the night because of sleep apnea. Additional swelling in the airways and extra mucus will make sleep apnea worse. You’ll experience a better night of sleep and reduce the odds of running into serious breathing difficulties if you take care of nasal and sinus issues without delay.

Try not to sleep on your back if you have sleep apnea. A lot of people suffering from apnea have problems with blocked airways because they sleep not on their side, but on their backs. You can prop yourself up on one side with cushions or pillows to discourage face-up sleeping.

One of the best ways to lessen the symptoms of sleep apnea is by losing weight. A lot of people find that if they shed weight they will help the apnea. Just losing a little bit of weight can go a long way in improving the symptoms of sleep apnea and opening up breathing passage ways.

Pick up a wind instrument to play. This will provide you with considerable enjoyment of the relaxing music, as well as exercising the specific muscles involved with sleep apnea problems. Training your breathing muscles regularly will make them stronger and they will help you control your symptoms of sleep apnea while you sleep.

Nasal Spray

If you find that your CPAP machine is too drying, your physician can prescribe a humidifier for your mask. Sticking with a course of CPAP therapy is a lot easier (and your overall sleep quality will be better) if you’re getting a supply of air that’s properly heated and moisturized. There are various CPAP machines that have humidifiers built in, so ask your doctor about prescribing one for your apnea.

If you are suffering from sleep apnea and have a cold or allergies, try using a nasal spray. You can experience a few nights of untroubled sleep using such a product. Don’t overuse nasal spray though, it can cause your nose damage and irritate it. Take a trip to the drugstore and find a nasal cleaner that suits you.

Sleep apnea can cause psychiatric symptoms, including anxiety. If you suffer from such symptoms, run a bath before you go to sleep each night. Soaking in a warm bath relaxes your muscles and reduces your stress. This makes it easier to get to sleep and stay asleep. It also reduces the number of sleep apnea episodes that occur.

If you are experiencing sleep apnea, stop smoking. Smoking causes swelling in the upper airway, which makes sleep apnea worse. Common ways to quit smoking include smoking cessation programs and nicotine replacement products, such as gums. For most people, the toughest part is the first 30 days or so. After that, the nicotine starts to leave your body and the cravings lessen.

You may not even notice that you have apnea. Consult your physician if you show symptoms like having difficulty staying awake behind the wheel or severe exhaustion that surprises you. This could be a problem of sleep apnea, even when you have no idea that you’re getting up at night gasping for air.

After you figure out if you have sleep apnea, it is wise to follow up with a treatment plan that works for you. Sleep is important to living a healthy and successful life. Take what you learned here to give yourself the chance at having a healthier life and a good night of sleep each day.

If you are one of the many who suffers from sleep apnea, avoid sleeping on your back. If you sleep on your back, it frequently leads to airway blockage and can cause sleep apnea. Sleeping on your side is a much better option when you suffer from this affliction.