Sleep apnea cases are going up every day; it isn’t that uncommon of these disorders and is caused by the airway being blocked while sleeping.If you suspect you may be suffering from this condition, then continue on into this article for more knowledge.
A common reason that people have sleep apnea is due to the extra pounds on their bodies. Losing even a few pounds can make a big difference. Following a reasonable weight loss plan and exercising is essential. Research has proven that reducing the number of carbohydrates one consumes throughout the day helps people in losing weight.
Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a severe condition to have. If you think you may have it, it is important to make an appointment with your doctor to discuss it. If the doctor determines you are suffering with sleep apnea, you should consult with someone who specializes in this disorder in order to effectively treat the condition.
Drop some of your vices to combat sleep apnea. Smoking cigarettes and drinking are a big problem for people who have sleep apnea. Drinking affects the respiratory system and can cause severe breathing issues. Smoking adds harmful chemicals which damage your lungs and damages them over time.Dropping these habits entirely will help ease your symptoms.
Try to sleep on your side instead of your back to breathe easier when you sleep. Back sleeping promotes airway obstruction. Try to fall asleep on one of your sides to see if that improves your sleep apnea this evening.
Playing with some wind instruments can help you control sleep apnea. A German study found that playing wind instruments such as the digeridoo will help your sleep apnea. These particular muscles impact your airway dilation and control how stiff your airway.
Find another way to get to sleep other than sleeping pills. Sleeping pills can cause just as many problems with your throat as alcohol consumption. They’re also known for causing other problems in those that have to deal with sleep apnea. Ask your doctor about sleeping aids that won’t have a negative impact on your breathing.
Many sufferers of sleep apnea sleep looking straight up. Sleeping flat on your back can cause constriction of the throat muscles. Sleeping on one’s side makes breathing significantly easier. If you tend to roll onto your back in your sleep, try using pillows to stay on your side.
If you are not sleeping with a partner, then it’s almost impossible to determine if you’re suffering from sleep apnea on your own. A video recorder can help you discover whether you are sleeping well or struggling. Make sure to record any sounds you make so the doctor can hear them.
One way to check out your sleeping habits is to train a video camera on yourself as you sleep. The video should also have audio to listen for any noises that occur during your sleep.
Bring your CPAP on all the trips you go on during your travels. Once you have a CPAP machine, neglecting to use it for even one night can cause problems. This machine should have a travel bag with it. This bag will help you safely travel with your CPAP machine when you are on vacation.
If you use a CPAP machine and have sleep apnea, carry your medical ID.
If you have sleep apnea, consider dropping some weight. Sleep apnea symptoms can be reduced or eliminated by taking off those extra pounds. Even a little weight loss can improve the symptoms of sleep apnea and cause the airways and throat to open up more.
If you are requiring a hospital visit, bring your CPAP with you to ensure you get restful sleep. Your CPAP machine should be with you for both planned stays and trips to an emergency room. This lessens the stress of being away from home and enables you to continue the CPAP therapy much more tolerable.
If your nose is bothering you, use a nasal spray. It may offer a couple nights of relief. Don’t overuse nasal spray though, it can cause your nose damage and irritate it. Talk to your pharmacist about your options.
Sleep apnea symptoms can be worse if you also have allergies promptly.You might have trouble breathing at night because of sleep condition. You do not need to deal with anything else reducing your breathing when you sleep.
It’s a good idea to contact your airline if you’re planning a long plane trip and will need to make use of a CPAP machine during your flight. As long as you let them know ahead of time, many airlines will make an effort to seat you in an area where you can use your machine. You should always tote a power adapter when you are visiting a foreign country.

You need only one regular pillow each night to sleep with at night. This may put you to lie in a way where breathing is more difficult. This means that one pillow to sleep more restfully at night.
Sometimes you might just need to do a few simple things to help with your sleep apnea. Give yourself a normal bedtime and follow your self imposed rules. Keeping your bedroom environment as conducive to healthy, undisturbed sleep as possible is very important. If your room is not comfortable, you will probably have difficulty sleeping night after night.
You can actually reduce your sleep apnea symptoms of this affliction by doing tongue exercises.
Do not procrastinate in searching for a treatment. Start now! If you don’t get help for this condition, the symptoms most likely will end up getting much worse over time. Don’t wait until you are getting absolutely no sleep every night. See your physician if you have even the slightest suspicion that you have sleep apnea.
Avoid heavy drinking when sleep apnea. Alcohol will relax your throat muscles beyond normality and can block an airway. If you are going to drink, avoid all alcohol or make sure not to drink at all at least 4 hours before bedtime. This will ensure alcohol harming you from getting a good night’s sleep.
Many individuals afflicted with sleep apnea sleep on their back. If this is your situation, you should think about different sleeping postures. Sleeping in a position, such as on your side, can help alleviate the problems caused by constricted airways.
This forces you to lay on your back.
Follow the instructions and routines of your prescribed treatments. You may be tempted to skip one or two nights, but you will pay the price the next day by not feeling sufficiently alert. You will be able to function more effectively in your daily routine if you follow the treatment plan suggested by your doctor.
There are a few simple solutions sleep apnea sufferers can use to get better quality sleep. Make your bedroom conducive to getting a good night’s rest. Insomnia can occur if your sleeping arrangements are sub-par.
Think about a mouth guard. Your dentist can fashion a custom mouth guard to use if you have an abnormality with your jaw or an overbite. A jaw that is correctly aligned makes it easier for your body to breathe properly at night.
Remember that you may not always notice sleep apnea. If you have unexplained exhaustion, exhaustion, or falling asleep when you drive, talk to your doctor. Your unexplained sleepiness may mean sleep apnea.
Check out a specialist. While your family doctor may give you ideas about coping with sleep apnea, a specialist can more adequately treat the condition. They’ll be able to teach you more about the issues that are factoring into your sleep apnea. They can also educate you on treatment options for sleep apnea that are not otherwise available.
Don’t sleep on your back if you are a sleep apnea.Sleeping in this position blocks your airways, reducing the amount of sleep you get. Sleeping on your back is the worst possible position for people who suffer from this affliction.
Take care of other breathing problems when dealing with apnea. If you are dealing with sleep apnea, it’s crucial that you immediately treat any breathing problems you may have. Take your allergy medication as prescribed and stay indoors with the windows closed if your allergy symptoms begin to flare up. The same applies if you feel sudden cold symptoms; get fast relief to avoid making your sleep apnea problems that much worse.
Take the initiative and find a treatment for your sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is one condition so it is best to get treatment immediately.
Sleep while laying on your side or stomach if you have sleep apnea. Avoid sleeping on your back. When you sleep on your back, your throat tissues and your tongue fall back into your throat making it hard to breathe. Use pillows to prop yourself up on your side. This way you don’t accidentally roll on your back while you’re asleep.
When you find out you have apnea, you have to follow a treatment plan so you can feel better. Your sound health and well-being require plenty of hours of good sleep. Apply all that you have learned in this article so that you really can both sleep soundly at night and live fully during the day.
If you are using a CPAP machine and find your mouth feels very dry in the morning, consider these solutions. Try increasing the humidity output from the machine. This will help your nose and mouth keep from getting too dry. Also, to help with closing your mouth during sleep and stopping air leakage, get a mask with a chin strap.