Many things can dull and stain your teeth and leave you wanting a brighter, whiter smile. You can find various methods to get your teeth whiter and keep you looking fresher and younger. You can have the smile you wish for by reading this article and using some of our simple tips.
When the need is dire, you should turn to professionals to handle that noticeable damage. After just a couple of dentist visits, you will have a beautiful, bright white smile. There are teeth whitening products and methods that are only available to dentists and not over-the-counter for the general public.
For natural whitening, use lemons. To whiten with lemons, rub the fleshy side of a peel against your teeth every day. The approach to whiter teeth is very cost effective and can be applied quickly and simply. Lemon peels whiten your teeth efficiently without the harshness of chemical products.
This method is not as dangerous as most whitening strips which can cause damage to your teeth. You can use peroxide as a mouthwash, but avoid ingesting it. Repeat one to two times per week.
Everyone knows that citrus fruits, like oranges or lemons, are rich in vitamin C, but did you know they can make you teeth whiter? Brighten your smile by rubbing your teeth with the inside of a lemon or orange peel. The addition of a pinch of salt will improve the effect of the lemon and orange peels.
Lemons and oranges are not only a healthy source of Vitamin C – they can also help whiten your teeth. Rub the back part of the lemon or orange peel against your teeth’s surface to make them sparkle. Add a little salt to get better results when you use an orange peel or lemon peel.
When drinking stain-causing beverages like tea, coffee, soft drinks or dark wines, sip a little water too. If consumed often, these particular drinks contain items that will stain your teeth. Sipping or rinsing with water while you are drinking them, will help remove any residue that might build stains. After consuming these beverages, remember to brush your teeth as soon as possible.
There is not enough whitening ingredients in these products to truly have an effect on your teeth. Your dentist is a great source of information, so ask him if he can recommend any particular brands.
Read the directions on any whitening product before you being use. It may do the opposite, irritating parts of your mouth, and even irrevocably damaging your teeth. Only use these products as the packaging recommends, and never longer than stated.
Your diet should include a healthy variety of raw vegetables and fresh fruits. Fast food, processed foods and sugary foods all discolor your teeth and can create cavities. Stay away from this type of food for healthy teeth. It is also a good idea to avoid between meal snacking as much as possible. This will improve your smile.
Although mouthwashes help to improve the health of your mouth, they also cause teeth discoloration. If you must use a mouthwash, use one that does not have any color to it and that is not strong.
You can help protect your teeth from staining by rinsing your mouth with water after eating. By quickly washing away all traces of a food or liquid, you will find it much easier to keep your teeth white. You will end up with deep stains on your teeth if you neglect to clean them immediately after eating.
One simple tip for better teeth is to visit the dentist regularly and get your scheduled cleanings. Dentist office cleanings are typically scheduled for twice a year. In order to remember your next appointment, make it once your dentist is done cleaning your teeth. Get your office to give you a reminder by phone.
Mouthwash can be really good when you are ridding yourself from germs that are in your mouth, but they can also discolor teeth. If you need to use mouthwash, choose one that isn’t a bright color and one that isn’t too strong.
You can be on the road to a fantastic smile today by selecting which of these guidelines are best suited to you and your situation. Take control of your smile and give yourself the treat of whiter teeth today. Others are certain to notice the confidence you exude when you smile showing your whiter teeth.
Teeth should be brushed and flossed at least two times a day. This prevents unsightly buildup of plaque, which may cause staining and discoloration. Take especially good care of your teeth before you go to bed because whatever plaque or germs you leave in there will manifest in your mouth while you sleep.