Your smile is among the first impressions people have of you, and therefore you definitely do not want to have discolored teeth. Fortunately for you, the tools for gaining whiter teeth are numerous and accessible. By following the tips in this article you will be able to find a whitening of the teeth treatment that will fit you and your teeth.
Stop smoking now. The smoke and nicotine from tobacco that hits your teeth when you inhale from a cigarette has been proven to discolor teeth.
Both, lemons and oranges, are great for Vitamin C, but also work well with whitening your smile. Rub the back part of the lemon or orange peel against your teeth’s surface to make them sparkle. A dab of salt could also be added to improve the results of the orange and lemon peels.
After you eat a meal or drink a beverage, you should immediately use water to rinse out your mouth. If you take the time to get the food and drink off of your teeth directly after you consume them, you will have better results in keeping them white. This can also help to prevent deep discoloration.
The most basic thing you can do to keep your teeth white is to keep your regularly scheduled dental appointments. See your dentist every 6 months to have your teeth cleaned and make an appointment while you are there. Twice-a-year cleaning is covered by the majority of dental insurance carriers, so it only makes good sense to take advantage of the service.
Teeth should be brushed and flossed at least two times a day. When plaque builds up, it can start to discolor your teeth. Brushing and flossing your teeth at night helps rid your mouth of plaque and does not allow the plaque to sit on your teeth while you are sleeping.
Try to stay away from coffee, cigarettes, and most certainly wine. These products contain chemicals that stain your teeth by bonding to them. If you must drink these beverages, brush your teeth immediately after you have finished. If you use them on the go you can buy mini finger brushes to carry around instead of carrying around a toothbrush. Your teeth get cleaned because of the abrasiveness.
By brushing right after you eat, you can prevent plaque from building up on your teeth, which in turn prevents discoloration. There are many different foods and beverages that can cause staining. However, this is preventable by brushing immediately after meals. Coffee will especially stain your teeth.
If you have gum disease or cavities that are untreated, you should consider going to the dentist before you begin whitening your teeth. You should take extra care when you are whitening your teeth. Your dentist can tell you if it is okay to go with a teeth whitening regime and which will work best given your dental profile.
It’s a good idea to eat a slice of cheese after each meal to build-up the existing enamel upon your teeth. Research has proven that the cheese’s calcium gives your teeth enamel a chance to rebuild. To get whiter teeth, your enamel must be intact, so make sure you are eating cheese a few times weekly.
Whitening Strips
Brushing your teeth and flossing regularly is among the best methods of obtaining a bright, white teeth. Using these methods will remove the buildup of plaque which discolors your teeth. Brusing and flossing after each meal is a very good habit for your teeth’s health.
For an accessible and efficient home whitening option, consider whitening strips. These strips are placed on your teeth and the chemicals they are treated with whiten them. Whitening strips are diminishing in popularity, due to other methods that are much more effective.
While many people undergo bleaching for a great teeth whitening method, if you do it too much this could make your teeth porous and really cause a lot of damage to the enamel. It can also actually make them more prone to staining in the future as well as sensitive.
Mouthwash is great at fighting germs, but if you’re trying to whiten your teeth, it may be working against you by causing stains and discoloration. When choosing a mouthwash, select one that is less brightly colored and that is a bit weaker than some of the rest.
Crowns don’t whiten the same way teeth do, so it will be far more difficult to get all of your teeth to be the same shade. If you have visible crowns when you smile, you should keep in mind that any whitening procedure can cause your teeth to be unevenly colored. Consult with your dental professional for ways to minimize this problem.
Your smile is an introduction of you to others, so you don’t want to be so ashamed of your teeth that you refuse to smile. If you have stained teeth, it can make you feel self-conscious and you won’t want to smile as much. However, if you apply what you’ve just read, your smile will be both brighter and whiter, giving you the confidence to smile more often!
To keep your teeth white, drink water after consuming beverages that can stain your teeth. By drinking water after drinking dark liquids, like tea or coffee, could help stop your teeth from being stained by pigments. You can also drink tea and coffee through a straw to help avoid stains, or lighten your drink with whole milk.