If you are a woman, you probably know something about yeast infections. Chances are that you have suffered from one yourself. Regardless of whether you personally suffered one, you need to know both symptoms and treatment options. Keep reading to learn more about cures and preventive methods.
When you have completed any activity that causes heat increase and sweating, change your clothes. This will help keep your skin dry and cool and may prevent future yeast infections.
Yeast Infections
Yogurt contains lactobacillius acidophilis. Eating yogurt ensures you have plenty in your system. Make sure you search for the sugar-free type of these yogurts that contain this special ingredient. Sugar feeds the yeast, so it can be counter-productive.
Dry off completely after you shower in order to prevent yeast infections. Water is a key ingredient in yeast infections. If there isn’t moisture or water for the bacteria to thrive in, you aren’t going to have many yeast infections.
When using creams to treat a yeast infections, avoid using diaphragms or condoms. This cream may interfere with contraception. Rather, you should choose not to partake in sexual activities and instead wait until the infection goes away. If you do not wish to abstain, ask your doctor about a back-up form of birth control to use while you wait.
If you think you’ve got a yeast infection, visit your doctor quickly. If you disregard an infection, it will get worse and make you very uncomfortable.
Yogurt is an excellent addition to your diet. Eat some yogurt to help your body get full of healthy bacteria in order to fight off yeast infections. Yogurt contains acidophilus, a healthy bacteria that can help you. When you give your body a lot of healthy and good bacteria it makes it hard for bacteria such as yeast to thrive.
Consider your bath products as a possible cause for chronic yeast infections. Try not to use hygiene products that contain fragrance and dye. These types of products upset the natural chemistry and pH balances of the vagina, oftentimes resulting in a yeast infection. You should use items that are mild and hypoallergenic.
Tea tree oil makes for a great natural remedy for helping fight against yeast infections. Mix the tea tree oil with some sweet almond oil. Then, put it right on the vagina. Using only tea tree oil can cause the burning sensation to get worse. The oil has anti-fungal properties that make it great for fighting yeast and restoring your natural balance.
Do not use anything scented or caustic. Douches and scrubs are used often by many. This causes irritation to that area and can throw the natural lubrication balance off course. Using these products makes you susceptible yeast overgrowth. Use only gentle, delicate soaps.
Be sure to get enough sleep. Your immune system is the largest defense against any yeast infections. However, if you’re not getting enough sleep, your immune system will be weakened. Maintain at least eight hours of sleep religiously by practicing a healthy lifestyle.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Avoid synthetic fabrics and tight clothing. Anything which rests against your skin also traps moisture there. Yeast thrives in the warm, moist environment that develops when air is unable to circulate. Wear cotton based clothing, which can take in moisture so that it does not touch your skin.
At nighttime, run a warm bath and put in about two cups of apple cider vinegar. The vinegar will keep the yeast from spreading and help your vagina restore its natural pH. Do not stay in the bath too long though. If it’s easier for you, you can douche 3 tbs. of apple cider vinegar per every quart of some warm water.
Probiotics are your best weapon against a yeast infection. Yogurt contains acidophilus, a healthy bacteria that’s perfect for keeping yeast under wraps. These come in powder or pill form, depending on preference.
Be sure to get enough sleep. A great defense against any yeast infection is your immune system. However, not getting enough sleep can tax your immunity and leave you susceptible to these infections. Focus on maintaining a sleep schedule that is regular, and make sure to get quality sleep.
Change after you finish swimming to reduce moisture on your skin. After your workout, do not stay in your clothes that are damp. Yeast has no problem living in these kinds of places. Once you have finished your exercise regimen, change into dry clothes. Don’t forget to switch your underwear while you’re getting your clothes changed.
Yogurt is very effective when consumed to fight yeast infections. Yogurt contains bacteria that fights the organisms that help the yeast to form. However, please note that eating yogurt is generally not enough to cure an ongoing infection.
It is possible to contract a yeast infection in your mouth. If you have an oral yeast infection, immediately schedule an appointment with your doctor. If you suffer from this type of infection, consume cool liquid and rinse with saltwater.
Don’t wear restrictive clothing or synthetic materials. Clothing, especially undergarments, that are tight restrict airflow and trap heat and moisture. When there is inadequate air circulation, the moist and warm condition creates a growing environment for the yeast. Look for clothes made from materials that breathe like cotton and ensure they are not tight.
Changing your lifestyle a bit can help you manage a yeast infection. Learning what causes yeast infections can help you to prevent them from occurring again and again. The right changes to your diet and clothing can help.
Avoid tight-fitting clothing whenever possible, especially skinny jeans. Skinnies may look great, but they allow for zero air circulation. If you’re not allowing any airflow in the crotch area, yeast infections are more likely to happen. In fact, cotton fabrics which are loose fitting are your best choice.
If you have recently switched contraceptive methods and find yourself with a yeast infection, your contraception may have played a part. Birth control pills contain extensive amounts of estrogen which can disturb the natural Ph levels and balances of your vaginal area. Speak with your doctor about changing the birth control methods.
While less common that vaginal ones, oral yeast infections do happen. If you think you see symptoms, consult with your physician immediately. You can make the itching and burning go away by drinking cool water or rinsing with warm water mixed with salt.
Drink plenty of water. Water works to flush out your entire system. Water is also great at flushing the sugar out of your system. An excessive amount of sugar can encourage yeast growth. Drink lots of extra water when you are experiencing a yeast infection. This makes recovery quite a bit faster.
Vaginal Area
Never use scented tampons. While these may make you feel more clean, these kinds of tampons can make the vaginal area become more irritated. Such irritation may cause problematic yeast infections. Make sure your hygiene products have no perfumes at all.
Practice good hygiene by avoid douching. It is crucial that you pay close attention to the hygiene in your vaginal area when taking a shower. Gently cleanse the entire vaginal area by using a gentle soap and plenty of water. This will help prevent the growth of yeast in moist and warm crevices. Avoid douching as it may cause yeast infections.
Dry your vagina thoroughly. Wherever there is plenty of moisture and warmth, yeast will be likely to grow. Once you finish taking a shower or bath, by sure to dry the vaginal area thoroughly. If you like, it is okay to utilize your blow dryer on low to guarantee complete dryness.
When you have a yeast infection, or fear one in the future, you have to change how you live. It is important to nip the problem in the bud if you face recurrent infections. Consider making some lifestyle changes, including diet and wardrobe.
Women with diminished immune systems, like those with diabetes, get yeast infections more often. If you have diabetes, do all you can to keep blood sugar levels normalized.
If you have just begun using a new form of contraception and have experienced yeast infections, it may be the contraceptive that is causing the problem. Some medications, including birth control pills, contain estrogen at high levels. This can disrupt the natural balance in your vagina. Ask your physician for advice.
Avoid overindulging in sugary drinks and foods. By curbing how much sugar you take in, you will have an impact on how often you have a yeast infection. Foods with lots of sugar and starch may increase your chances of developing a yeast infection. You don’t have to completely remove sugar from your diet, but you should limit your consumption of it.
Avoid clothing that has been made with synthetic material. Natural fibers allow skin to breathe and wick moisture away from the skin. Yeast loves warm, moist conditions. So, when you avoid this kind of clothing, you are reducing the chances of yeast infections.
For a holistic approach try applying garlic to the affected area. You can also take the garlic in the form of capsules orally. It can also be applied directly to the vaginal area for nearly instant relief. You can dice or crush the clove up for ease of application. This may provide some discomfort, but it often works as relief.
Armed with your new knowledge, you should be prepared to effectively begin treatment. Apply the advice from this article to help you recognize the symptoms of a yeast infection so you can treat it quickly.
Many women get yeast infections in the heat of summer. If you are suffering from a vaginal yeast infection, you may have the rememdies to cure the infection in your pantry. Cranberry juice, apple cider vinegar and garlic are just a few of the things that can help cure or keep away a yeast infection.