Is Your Snoring Waking The Neighbors? Try These Tips!

Snoring can be such an irritating condition for, not only the one who snores, but also the person they sleep with. Thankfully, there are a number of things you can do to address the problem of snoring, and all the complications it presents. Read on for some techniques to try to reduce snoring.

Using multiple pillows when you sleep can help to alleviate snoring. Nasal drainage will not obstruct your nose or throat and go down to your lungs right away. When this happens you’re less likely to snore.

One simple way to reduce snoring is to watch your sleeping position. Snoring often happens when people are sleeping on their backs. Since gravity pulls your head down it can cause your throat to close a little. Sleeping on your side will help to keep your airway open and reduce snoring.

Make sure your nose is clear and open to help prevent snoring. Having a nose that is clogged or constricted can contribute to snoring. There are many items you can use to keep your nasal passages clear if you get a cold, such as vapor rubs, humidifiers or steam showers. Nasal strips are another good option. These lift your nose open and let more air in.

Keep a healthy weight to reduce your snoring. While being overweight doesn’t necessarily cause snoring, extra fat in the neck region can place additional pressure on the airways, which can cause snoring. If are overweight and you snore, you may want to lose some weight.

Many prescription medicines can cause snoring, discuss if this is happening to you with your doctor. There are prescription medicines that have snoring as a side effect. These medications relax the muscles in your airway, making it more difficult to breathe as you sleep. Known culprits include pain medications, muscle relaxers and other antihistamines. Snoring is caused by restricted airways.

One way to beat snoring is to pucker up and make “fish faces”. Yes, it sounds strange, but these faces strengthen throat and facial muscles. To make a fish face, close your mouth and pull in your cheeks. Now, copy the movements fish normally make with their mouths. For best results, do this a few times each day.

People who are a little bigger and overweight are more likely to snore because of the excess fat they have in their neck. Excess fat around the neck can cause pressure on the airways and keep air from flowing freely. If you are carrying around a couple of extra pounds, it may help if you lose some weight. It will not only make you feel and look better, it will help you sleep better also.

Talk to your doctor about prescription medicines that might cause you to snore. Some of them might be the cause of your snoring problem. For example, pain killers and muscle relaxants can loosen the muscles in your throat, causing it to restrict your airway. When the muscles in your airways become constricted, you snore.

If you are one of the many people who snore, aim to avoid drinking alcohol. You must also avoid antihistamines, tranquilizers and sleeping pills prior to bedtime. These types of items work to relax your muscles, and this will limit your air passages, causing you to snore more.

Does it seem strange to you that singing might help with your snoring? A great way to improve the muscle strength in your throat is by singing. Improved muscle tone can keep your airways open while you sleep, and snoring will no longer bother you.

Exercise your throat to end snoring! For example, start by sliding your tongue from your teeth to your uvula. Slide your tongue back and forth between your teeth and your throat, repeating the exercise until 3 minutes have elapsed. When you exercise the muscles this way, your passageways will remain open, and the chances of snoring will be reduced.

Determine whether or not medications that you take could be causing your snoring. Some medications dry out your nasal membranes which can cause swelling and restrict airflow. Others may relax your throat muscles and reduce your air intake while sleeping.

If you want to keep snoring at a minimum, try sleeping on one side when in bed. Laying on your back can increase your chance of snoring. Furthermore, if you sleep on your stomach, you are more prone to neck stress. It is for these reasons that sleeping on one of your sides is the best option.

Eating small meals in the early evening can reduce snoring. When you eat a large dinner too close to going to bed, your stomach gets filled up. That causes your diaphragm to push toward your throat, and that pressure can block or decrease your airways in your throat. When your throat is narrow, airflow is restricted so you are more likely to snore.

Eating smaller evening meals can reduce snoring. Large meals, especially ones close to bedtime, fill up the stomach. Your full stomach will push your diaphragm up, which can block your throat. If your throat is congenitally narrow, you will snore.

Think about what you’re eating and drinking right before going to bed. Some foods and beverages can make you snore. Things including alcohol and muscle relaxants could lead to the muscles being loose in your throat. If this happens, they could collapse inward, causing an obstruction in your air passage, which may result in snoring. If you find that you are thirsty before going to bed, you should drink a glass of water.

Avoid strenuous physical activity immediately before bed. Physical exertion can shorten your breath when you sleep. This will narrow your air passages, and you will snore during the night.

Change your position, and how you sleep, to get rid of how you snore. Back sleeping is the cause of many snorer’s problems. When you are sleeping on your back the muscles in your throat relax. If you sleep on either side, the chances of this occuring are slim, ensuring you can have a more relaxing night of sleep.

Even though you may not be lactose intolerant, dairy products happen to be a very common cause for snoring. Dairy products lead to an increased production of phlegm, which will obstruct your airways in your nose and throat. Instead of drinking warm milk, try a glass of tea to lessen your snoring.

Again, there’s no doubt that snoring is frustrating or annoying. Sadly, many people do not know about the many techniques which they could use to help manage snoring. Implement these hints and tips to ease, or prevent, your snoring, and make your life that much simpler.

Consume a couple of teaspoons of honey before turning in for the night. Many people find this method very efficient, even though no studies have shown how honey works to reduce snoring. This shouldn’t come as a surprise if you actually think about the many uses of honey for treating various ailments.