Tips And Tricks For Treating Sleep Apnea

Anyone who got tired of the impact sleep apnea made on their life has definitely sought out effective answers. Understanding the full range of treatment options is key to finding an effective solution that will work for your own situation. When you learn the contents of the following paragraphs, you are going to have a greater opportunity of discovering the treatment regimen best suited for you.

Talk to your doctor about a CPAP device if your sleep apnea is severe. The noise level of a CPAP machine and its overall size are both points to take into consideration. Some machines are very quiet and no bigger than a simple bread box. Your doctor will be aware of the best machines.

If you’re using a CPAP, use it a minimum of four hours nightly. Going to bed with a CPAP machine humming away is certainly an adjustment that can be a challenge for some. In order for your CPAP therapy to be effective, you need to use it at least four hours a day. Keep trying to use your machine, and work up to a full night slowly if you need to.

Talk to your physician about the possibility of a mouth piece to correct your sleep. There may be genetic reasons you suffer from sleep apnea. Your airway may be naturally thin or your jaw may interfere with breathing during sleep. There are special devices which will align your jaw properly while also putting you in the best position while asleep, this results in you getting more rest.

In an effort to get a restful night of sleep, sleep on your side if possible. Sleeping on your back can block your airway. Make a conscious effort to fall asleep on your side, and that will probably reduce some of the symptoms caused by your sleep apnea.

Aside from the obvious reasons that losing weight is important, if you have sleep apnea, it’s vital that you lose weight. Obesity is linked to sleep apnea according to certain studies. A loss of 10 or more pounds can significantly reduce our sleep apnea symptoms.

You may not even realize you have sleep apnea. If you have no wife or husband to tell you, you be unaware you stop breathing at night. Record yourself to get a better picture of what is happening while you sleep. Make sure you have audio on your video so you and your doctor can hear the noises you make in your sleep.

If you sleep alone, figuring out if you suffer from sleep apnea may be difficult. Try setting up a video camcorder to record yourself while you are sleeping at night. Your video needs to have audio as well because the doctors will want to hear any noises you make.

Your physician may suggest that you start recording your sleeping habits in order to zero in on your sleep apnea symptoms. You simply log the amount of hours you’re sleeping each night, and mentioning other symptoms too. Ask your partner to keep track of your snoring, movements, and whether you stop breathing at night. This will greatly help your doctor in diagnosing your condition.

If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, avoid sleeping pills. The pills may relax the throat muscles so much that your airways do not function properly. Avoid them at all costs to prevent yourself from hurting your body any more.

Remember to keep your medical ID upon your person if you make use of a CPAP for your sleep apnea. If you ever need medical attention in an emergency, it is critical that healthcare providers know that you have this condition and use that machine. The information on the card should mention your sleep anea and include the full details of the treatment you regularly use.

To help you figure out if you suffer from sleep apnea, you may be asked by your doctor to keep a log of your sleeping. The intent is for you to record both the overall amount of sleep you get and any unusual symptoms or incidents that occur. The person you sleep next to can alert you to your snoring, if you stop breathing or you move your limbs suddenly. This helps the doctor discern whether you have sleep apnea or not.

Getting help with sleep apnea is a mission many have embarked upon. To treat this unpleasant and serious condition, information is important. Use the information you’ve learned from the preceding paragraphs to start an effective treatment program that makes your suffering a thing of the past.

Try out a regular sleep schedule to help you through your sleep apnea. Random sleep times affects your sleep as it is and this is compounded when you have sleep apnea. Any steps you take to improve your overall sleep habits will help deal with the symptoms of your condition and minimize the impact it has. Begin by setting a specific time to lie down and rise every day. Then stick to it.