Tips On How To Manage Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea affects people of every age and can be dangerous. You do not need to deal with this condition on your own. Read on to learn how to get your sleep apnea under control and get the rest you need.

Eating healthily can help you shed weight and relieve sleep apnea. Not everyone is aware of just how significantly bad dietary choices can affect a sleep apnea condition. People who don’t eat healthy food have the worst sleep apnea conditions.

Sleep Apnea

The most common way for a physician to diagnose you with sleep apnea is to conduct a physical examination and investigate the medical histories of you and your relatives. Sleep studies may be included in the equation, and it may be necessary to involve a sleep specialist.

Do you partake in a drink or smoke? If the answer is yes and you have sleep apnea, you need to stop both habits. These types of substances restrict your airways. Smoking and alcohol combined can definitely cause sleep apnea. If losing these habits is not possible, then at least limit yourself before going to bed.

It is not easy to tell if you are suffering from sleep apnea if you don’t sleep with someone who can describe your sleep patterns. Or you can record yourself as you sleep to look at your sleeping patterns. Your video needs to have audio as well because the doctors will want to hear any noises you make.

Make yourself wear your CPAP for four hours while you sleep, at the least. Many folks have difficulty adjusting to the CPAP in the beginning. For this CPAP therapy to work successfully, you will need four hours each day to use it. You’ll be comfortable using it on a regular basis in no time.

Sleeping pills are bad to take for people with sleep apnea. These will make your throat muscles too soft, and your air passages will not work right. Sleeping pills could cause injury or death if your sleep apnea is particularly severe. It can be difficult to stay asleep when you have sleep apnea, but you need to use other methods, such as a CPAP.

Some cases of sleep apnea are quite severe. If you see any signs, go get yourself an opinion right away. Once you know whether or not you have it for sure, you can figure out how to deal with it.

If you are going to be traveling and you have sleep apnea, you need to remember to take your CPAP with you. It is important that you always have the machine, even if you feel it is an inconvenience. You should have a travel bag for your machine. Use it to bring your CPAP machine with you, no matter where you are sleeping.

Attempt to sleep on the side to get a full night of rest in spite of apnea. Sleeping on your back can obstruct your airways and cause apnea. See if sleeping on your side doesn’t help your sleep apnea condition.

Eliminate all the risk factors you can. While some people suffer from sleep apnea due to genetic factors, others have it because of their lifestyle. On the other hand, certain risk factors, such as being fat, smoking cigarettes, and drinking alcohol, are entirely under your control.

Treatment Options

People with sleep apnea often get good results by losing weight. Sleep apnea is common to those that have large necks or that are overweight. If you shed some pounds you will see that your airways will not be as constricted.

If what you are doing at home isn’t working well enough to help your sleep apnea, then you should consult with a doctor to explore some additional treatment options. There are many treatment options available, some which do not work well with some everyone. But there are other methods of treatment, such as surgical techniques which include airway enlargement, as well as the removal of adenoids and tonsils

You should ask your doctor what you can do about sleep apnea; however, there are areas that you can investigate for yourself. If you lose weight and quit smoking you will be able to combat sleep apnea. Curtail alcohol, heavy foods and caffeine before bedtime also.

One sure-fire way to combat the problems posed by sleep apnea is proper weight management. Sleep apnea symptoms can be reduced or eliminated by taking off those extra pounds. Simply losing a small amount of weight can open your airways, improving your sleep apnea symptoms.

Do not sleep on your back if you have sleep apnea. Most apnea patients are “back sleepers”, making it more likely that airway obstructions can occur. Try your best to avoid sleeping on your back, and use pillows or something else to keep you on your side.

You can lessen the sleep apnea symptoms you are experiencing. Sleep apnea can run in the family, and that is one factor that can’t be changed. But, there are other things you can do to cut out risks such as not smoking or drinking heavily, and also managing your weight.

The CPAP machine is a common medical device, used by millions of people. Do not be self-conscious about it. You will need to quickly get used to using it front of those who are closest to you. Always know that the CPAP machine is something that you need which can help you, and if someone looks down upon you for using it, then they weren’t your friends anyway.

It’s imperative that you see a doctor for a proper diagnosis when it comes to sleep apnea. But some people find that they can be responsible for their own treatment. Quitting smoking and losing weight are beneficial to anyone, particularly those that have sleep apnea. Also, stay away from large meals, caffeine and alcohol a few hours before going to sleep.

Snoring and sleep apnea can be soothed by playing a musical instrument. This not only can help soothe your body, but it can also reduce the symptoms of sleep apnea. Taking up an instrument can help you with controlling your airways.

Sleep apnea never just disappears of its own free will; you have to do something about it. Some treatments may work for certain people, but not all of them. One good way to lessen sleep apnea episodes is by losing weight, but there are thin people who suffer from sleep apnea as well. The CPAP machine and other non-invasive procedures have been helpful for millions. Even the simplest surgery carries some risk, so it is best to consider surgery as a last option. Whatever path you choose, having any kind of treatment done is the secret to resuming a full and rich lifestyle.

If you become anxious about your sleep apnea, try taking a hot bath every night before bedtime. When you soak in a hot bath, it soothes your muscles and relieves tension. This will help you sleep better and you will get more quality sleep instead of worrying about sleep apnea.

You should take lessons on a wind instrument. You will like the music and help exercise muscles that can better your breathing. If you consistently make an effort to strengthen your throat muscles, you’ll have a better time sleeping with sleep apnea.

Your family doctor can help you find the appropriate treatment to deal with your apnea. If you leave your sleep apnea untreated, your symptoms are likely to worsen over time. Don’t allow your lack of sleep and snoring problems to become unbearable. Consult your physician immediately if you experience symptoms associated with sleep apnea.

If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, give up sleeping facing up. Lying on your back when you sleep makes it easier for your airways to become blocked. Do what’s necessary to sleep sideways, even if you have to use pillows or other items to force the issue.

People who have sleep apnea usually sleep on their backs. A change in your sleep position can often help your breathing at night. It has been shown that the tongue and palate fall toward the back of the throat when people sleep and this can obstruct the airway.

Sleep Test

Sleep apnea sufferers need to be diagnosed by a doctor. Sleep apnea is a serious condition, so just guessing at a diagnosis could be dangerous. Let a doctor know about your symptoms, and get a diagnosis.

If you believe you’ve got sleep apnea, try seeing your doctor and getting a sleep test. A sleep test will give your doctor the information he needs to diagnose your condition and its severity. After this you’ll need to look at treatment options, even for a mild form of sleep apnea.

The true meaning of sleep apnea is not having enough oxygen as one sleeps. It would be wise for anyone suffering with this condition to not sleep at a higher elevation. Oxygen levels are lower at these elevations which would make it even tougher to breath. If you can avoid sleeping at a high elevation, do it.

Remain in touch with your physician and attend all scheduled doctor’s visits following your diagnosis. Your physician will be your best source of information in treating your condition. Plan on keeping in touch with your doctor and letting them know about how the treatment is going.

You may need to have surgery to remove excess tissue from your throat if that is causing your sleep apnea symptoms. This surgery, called UPPP (uvulopalatopharyngoplasty) gets rid of the additional tissue, thus, opening your airway and getting rid of the sleep apnea. Often times they remove the tonsils when they perform this surgery.

Sleep apnea can be made worse if you haven’t had enough sleep. Make sure you sleep on a regular schedule. Go to bed and wake up at the same times every day and stick with it. Doing this will prevent your sleep apnea from turning into a worse condition, such as insomnia.

Follow the instructions and routines of your prescribed treatments. You might be tempted to entertain the thought that skipping a night or so is safe, but you are going to regret it in the morning and not be as functional the next day. Follow your doctor’s advice if you want function like everyone else in your daily life.

Sleep apnea causes a reduction of oxygen to your system while you are sleeping. Therefore, it makes sense to prevent sleeping at high elevations. As oxygen levels decrease at higher elevations, this would seem to affect the sufferer of sleep apnea. Avoid sleeping in higher elevations.

Ask your partner what he or she thinks about your sleep apnea problem. It’s possible that you have disturbed the sleep of your partner at some point. Consult a doctor together because they can often provide information that you may not be aware of.

Work out your throat and jaw muscles regularly. Some cases of sleep apnea are just contingent upon weaker muscles, so exercising them can really help out your condition. You may see results after just a few days of doing exercises.

If you are diagnosed with sleep apnea, take it seriously and follow your physician’s recommendations for treatment, which may include the use of a CPAP machine. Untreated sleep apnea leaves you chronically sleep deprived. This affects your overall health adversely, making you more prone to developing heart disease, having a stroke, or becoming clinically depressed.

As was stated earlier, sleep apnea afflicts many individuals. People continue to suffer when they aren’t aware of what sleep apnea is and how it can be treated. Yet if you do learn enough about sleep apnea, you can figure out how to get rid of it.

If you believe you could have sleep apnea, do not procrastinate talking to your doctor. You do not want to overlook this condition, and you want to make sure you do everything in your power to live a healthy life. If you suspect sleep apnea is a condition you might be suffering with, don’t hesitate to take your concerns to a medical professional.