Want To Stop Yourself From Snoring? Keep Reading

Snoring can make a person really self-conscious, but in some cases, that may be the least of one’s worries. In some cases, snoring issues can be a sign of a serious health problem. Snoring may be a symptom that could be a red flag that something more serious is going on. The information in the next few paragraphs will help snoring sufferers narrow down the cause of their snoring problems so that treatment can begin.

The first step to curing yourself of snoring is to discover the cause of your snoring. For instance, certain health issues cause snoring and without getting them treated, it won’t go away. In fact, ignoring potential medical issues can cause snoring to get worse.

If you suffer from snoring and you smoke, consider quitting smoking. Smoking causes the tissues located in back of the throat to become swollen and irritated. A swollen throat is a major factor when it comes to causes of snoring.

Keeping your body weight under control can help to minimize snoring. The weight of the body does not always affect snoring, but extra fat around the neck area can lead to more pressure on the airway, resulting in snoring. If your snoring problem worsens after you gain a little weight, your best solution will be to lose the excess weight.

To reduce snoring as much as possible, stay at a weight that is healthy. Although obesity and snoring are not directly correlated, if you have a lot of excess fat around your neck, you should be aware that the fat can place extra pressure of your airways and restrict air flow, which can cause snoring. If you have gained weight and noticed that you are snoring a lot more, losing those extra pounds may help you.

People who suffer from congestion because of allergies or other causes are likely to snore. Congestion causes the nasal cavities to contract, which may block the air resulting in snoring. One suggestion on how to fight this is to use a decongestant before bed in order to have a more peaceful night’s sleep.

Sleeping Pills

Resting your head on a firmer pillow can help to cut down on snoring. Softer pillows are known to allow throat muscles to relax, which results in narrow air passages. Because the airflow is restricted, you start to snore. A firmer pillow will help to keep your air passages fully open.

Using sleeping pills is a real catch-22 if you have trouble with snoring. The pills make it easier to get to sleep, but they also encouraging snoring, making your sleep less restful. One of the ways that sleeping pills work is to relax the muscles of your body. The muscles that keep your nasal passage open will lose their ability to do that, leading to a narrower nasal passage. This often results in snoring.

Avoid drinking alcohol if you snore. Another way that you can help diminish snoring is to stay away from pills or antihistamines in the later hours of the night. With regular consumption, all of these products increase the likelihood of snoring, because the muscle relaxation they induce may narrow your air passages.

Facial exercises such as the “fish face” can help prevent snoring. Repeatedly making these faces can make your throat and facial muscles stronger. All you need to do is close your mouth and suck your cheeks in as close together as you can. Move your lips as if you were a fish. Repeat this routine a few times a day for maximum efficacy.

You should limit physical activity for an hour prior to your bedtime. Physical exertion can shorten your breath when you sleep. Your airways are then constricted, and nighttime snoring will be the result.

Keep nasal passages open if you want snoring to stop. If your nose is blocked or constricted, it will increase the chance of snoring. Use steam showers, humidifiers, neti pots or vapor rub to clear your nose. Nasal strips can also help you because they actually lift your nose open, allowing air to enter.

Make sure that you are using a humidifier every night in the bedroom. Humidifiers increase the amount of moisture in the air. When that warm, moist air is breathed in, then the nasal passages, the throat and the remainder of the airway is moisturized, as well. One benefit of this is a reduction in your level of snoring.

Don’t drink alcohol right before bed if you want to resolve snoring problems. Also, it is important not to take antihistamines, sleeping pills or tranquilizers prior to falling asleep. These products work to relax your muscles, which causes your airways to be limited and this contributes to snoring.

If you are prone to snoring, then be careful about what you consume immediately before you go to bed. Sedatives, muscle relaxants, and alcohol will all have an extreme loosening effect on your throat muscles. The muscles then collapse inward and block airways; this results in snoring. If you have to drink something before bedtime, make it water.

In order to snore less, sleep facing sideways. If you lay on your back, you have a greater chance of snoring. However, if you roll over onto your stomach, your neck will experience stress. This is the reason why the perfect position for you to sleep in is on your side.

A tennis ball is a cheap, simple item that can help you with your snoring. Prior to going to bed, attach the ball to your nightwear. Each time you roll over onto your back, the ball will prompt you to switch back to your side. If you sleep on your side, you will notice a significant reduction in your snoring.

Singing aloud is a technique for reducing snoring. One physician suggests that because singing builds muscles implicated in snoring, the act of singing will reduce snoring over time. By increasing your muscle tone in your throat and soft palate, your airways will not narrow during sleep.

Think about purchasing an adjustable bed as a way to reduce snoring. These beds allow you to prop the head of the bed, inclining your body to a position you find comfortable. This, in turn, opens your airways, which will help reduce or eliminate snoring.

If you eat smaller meals later in the day, your snoring will likely be reduced. Large meals near bedtime can fill the stomach up. This pushes your diaphragm up, causing pressure and obstruction to your airways. Reduced air flow and a narrow throat are two of the main factors in snoring.

Ask your physician about whether or not having one of the mandibular advancement appliances fitted to you would be appropriate. These appliances fit inside your mouth and they sit snug against your lower and upper teeth. As the name suggests, mandibular advancement appliances, position your jaw somewhat forward of it’s normal position and this can help alleviate snoring.

Limit the duration of exercise you get during the hour before going to bed. The shortness of breath that can be associated with exercise is not helpful when going to sleep. This can narrow your air passages, which makes you more likely to snore overnight.

If you or a loved one is plagued by the annoyance of snoring, here is an old wives tale that may work for you. Since people who sleep on their backs suffer more from snoring due to the tissues of the airway closing in, try sewing or taping small balls or tennis balls to the back of your pajamas to encourage you to roll over to your side during sleep!

Dairy Products

Sleeping on your left side is a simple way to reduce snoring. Snoring can cause your partner to lose sleep and be less refreshed and happy in the mornings. There is no medical evidence that sleeping the left side of your body will stop your snoring. Many people do report that sleeping on their left sides does make it easier to breathe and makes them snore less.

Consuming dairy products can cause snoring, even in people who do not usually have problems with lactose intolerance. Dairy products promote the formation of mucus and phlegm that contribute to narrowing of the air passages in the nose and throat. Instead of drinking warm milk before bedtime, opt for hot, decaffeinated, herbal tea.

Certain medications, such as sleeping pills, may have a beneficial effect on snoring. Both can cause trouble by relaxing the muscles at the back of your throat too much. This activity may cause snoring. Use caution with these products, as they may cause sleep apnea.

An adjustable bed can offer some relief from your snoring. You can raise your upper body to a more vertical angle. This position can keep your tongue and airways from collapsing in on themselves, and keeps your snoring to a minimum.

Don’t consume dairy right before you go to bed. Dairy products encourage mucus production, and when that mucus drains into the nasal passages, it can clog them, which makes you snore. When you go to sleep, that excess mucus will obstruct airways, causing congestion and making snoring more likely.

You probably get tired of hearing this, but getting thin will probably make you snore less. When you gain weight, it not only builds up in the body, but the neck area as well. The pressure applied to your airway could cause an obstruction and make you snore.

Snoring can really take a toll on your relationship. Snoring might cause frustration, anger and sometimes, sleeping arrangements that are separate. That isn’t good for a relationship; it is smart to see a doctor so he or she can help you determine the cause of your snoring and give you both relief about the problem.

Snoring is definitely a nuisance, but it may also indicate that there is another health issue brewing. One should be aggressive in treatment, if their body gives off signals like this. Apply the tips from above to help you figure out what your snoring causes are, and what you can do to give yourself a better night’s sleep.

You should try some of the medications or tools that are available specifically to help with snoring. Many people claim that some commonly used products, such as nasal strips, pills and sprays, are effective in dealing with snoring. Before trying any new product, consult your physician.