What You Can Do To Help Your Snoring

Most people snore, but some people are very active snorers. However, there are those that can begin to snore too much and it grows into a disruptive problem. If this is the case, you should read through the provided tips and see if there is a solution for you.

The only way you can ever stop snoring, is by first figuring out exactly what is making you snore. Some medical conditions can be at the heart snoring, and it is imperative that you see a doctor to find out if you need medical treatment. Whether the problem is serious or not, your snoring could get worse over time.

One way to cut down on snoring is to stay in a healthy weight range. Although excess weight does not guarantee snoring issues, if your body builds up fat in certain locations where it can constrict your breathing passages, louder and more frequent snoring may be the result. If you have noticed a correlation between weight gain and increased snoring, then losing the weight will be of use to you.

Keeping your body weight under control can help to minimize snoring. Although excessive weight doesn’t necessarily cause you to snore more, extra fat around your neck can put additional pressure on the airways, which causes snoring. If your snoring problem worsens after you gain a little weight, your best solution will be to lose the excess weight.

One strange way to reduce snoring is to make “fish faces”. Yes, it sounds strange, but these faces strengthen throat and facial muscles. To do so, merely suck your cheeks in when your mouth is closed. Make your lips move like a fish would. Try to do this a few times a day, it only takes seconds.

See a doctor, if you’re pregnant and you snore. Expectant mothers will often snore, but if you begin to have sleep apnea, you may be restricting the oxygen your baby receives through the night. Ask your doctor for advice on how to prevent problems that snoring can cause your baby.

Nasal Passages

You can reduce or prevent your snoring by drinking plenty of fluids that keep you hydrated. When there is a lack of water, your nasal secretions become denser and are more likely to increase clogging of your air passages. To minimize the risk of snoring, you should try to drink at least 10 cups of hydrating liquid (anything non-caffeinated, ideally water) in the course of the day.

In order to prevent snoring, you should have open nasal passages. A nose that is clogged or constricted can be a cause of snoring. Use humidifiers, vapor rubs, steam showers or neti pots to clear the nose when you have a cold. An alternative to these treatments is to use nasal strips. These strips open up the nasal passages which allow better airflow.

You will snore less if you sleep with your head elevated. Lay your head on a large, thick pillow. Alternatively, you can simply use extra pillows. This forces your head into an upright position. As a result, your airways will open up and you will snore less.

Lessen snoring by sleeping with your head elevated. Lay your head on a fat pillow, which will provide your neck some support. Also, you can stack two thinner pillows atop one another. By elevating your head, you will keep your airways open, which helps to cut down on snoring.

Prescription medications may be causing your snoring, speak with your doctor about it. There are prescription medications that cause snoring. Most medications that contain antihistamines relax the throat muscles, which restricts airflow. Restriction of the airway can cause snoring.

If you’re affected by congestion caused by allergies or anything else, snoring becomes a greater probability when you’re sleeping. Congestion causes nasal passages and airways to become constricted, which can block air and result in snoring. One suggestion on how to fight this is to use a decongestant before bed in order to have a more peaceful night’s sleep.

Nasal strips may help reduce snoring. These nasal strips appear very much like a Band-Aid. However, they are different than a normal Band-Aid. By design, nasal strips help open up your nasal passages while you wear them. You’ll be able to breathe easily through your nose and avoid snoring through your mouth.

Have a discussion with your doctor about any medications you are taking that could be causing your snoring. There are many prescription medications that can cause snoring. Pain killers, antihistamines, sleeping pills and muscle relaxers usually relax your muscles, causing a restricted airway. A snoring problem is often caused by airway restriction.

People who snore should abstain from alcohol. Additionally, stay away from tranquilizers, antihistamines and sleeping pills immediately before retiring. These things cause your muscles to relax, and will limit your ability to take in air, which causes snoring.

Losing weight will often reduce your snoring. If you are overweight and have a double chin, the pressure exerted on your airways will be increased. This could cause your airway to collapse during the night. The loss of even a few pounds of this extra pressure could make a huge difference.

In order to snore less, sleep facing sideways. Sleeping on your back makes it more likely that you will snore. However, sleeping on the stomach is not recommended as it can put stress on your neck. It is for these reasons that sleeping on one of your sides is the best option.

You should check the side effects of whatever medications you take, if you’re having trouble with snoring. Some medications dry out your nasal membranes, which can restrict airflow and cause snoring. Others may relax your throat muscles and reduce your air intake while sleeping.

Check your current medications for any side effects that involve snoring. Some medications dry nasal membranes which makes them swell and impede the flow of air. Some medications also cause your throat muscles to relax to the point that you can’t breathe properly while you’re asleep.

Make sure that you try to moderate the amount of exercise within an hour of going to bed. This is because your breathing can be interfered with by the exercise, just prior to you going to sleep. This will lead to constricted airways, and excess snoring throughout the night.

Dairy products make many people snore, regardless of whether they are lactose intolerant. Dairy products stimulate your body to produce more phlegm, which can then fill your nose and throat and make it difficult to breathe. Try substituting your daily glass of milk and replace it with tea, hopefully that will minimize any snoring problems you may have.

Consuming dairy products can cause snoring, even in people who do not usually have problems with lactose intolerance. They tend to increase your mucus production and accumulation, which blocks your nasal passages. You can consider drinking warm tea instead of your usual warm milk to see if this will reduce on your snoring.

Changing your sleeping position can reduce or end snoring. Back sleeping is the cause of many snorer’s problems. Relaxed throat muscles and an open mouth, create a higher likelihood that you will snore. By sleeping while on your side, you can prevent the muscles from relaxing and enjoy more restful sleep.

Before you head to bed, have some spoonfuls of honey. While there’s no hard and fast evidence of why it is successful, a lot of people are convinced that honey is really beneficial if you are trying to reduce snoring. This is not really that surprising when you think of the myriad of other applications honey has in folk medicine.

If you suffer from snoring, try using essential oils. Some of these oils, such as eucalyptus and peppermint, are great at clearing stuffy nasal passages. They allow you to breathe more easily, which helps to alleviate any snoring issues. Try them out when your nasal passages feel congested.

Avoid back sleeping, if you want to stop snoring. If you find yourself sleeping on your back despite attempts not to, consider sewing an object onto the back side of your pajamas. If you begin to roll over, you will feel the object and go back to your side.

Eating at least three meals a day is key to beating snoring. You’ll end up satisfying yourself by having a light dinner and not skipping breakfast and lunch. Laying down with less food in your belly will make it easier for you to breath while you are sleeping.

Look into internal nasal dilators, and see if this is an option for you. Not many people snore with their noses, but some people do. Nasal dilators are made to fit into your nasal passages and keep them open. When the nasal passages are open, breathing is normal and the snoring is eliminated.

Go to bed before your partner who snores to ensure you fall asleep before the noise begins. If you sleep lightly, this still may not work, but it’s worth trying.

If you snore, try going to the dentist to see if they can help. Your dentist can make you a customized mouth guard that is molded to the shape of your mouth. You’ll wear the mouth-guard at night, and it will keep the lower jaw forward enough to stop throat tissues from collapsing during the night, which will prevent snoring.

Snoring can really take a toll on your relationship. Sometimes snoring will make a partner angry or frustrated. This can lead to a couple sleeping in separate places. This can damage a relationship, so head to your physician to find out how to improve things before it gets too late.

As you now know, snoring is something that you can control, even though you do it while you sleep. If you apply the information from these tips, you should be able to cut back on disruptive snoring. As a result, you (and your partner) can enjoy a full night’s rest.

If someone has allergies and tends to snore, it is important they they refrain from antihistamines before going to sleep. Antihistamines have the effect of relaxing your airway, which can then lead to snoring. If you need one for another medical issue, take it before dinner.