What You Need To Know About The Sleep Disorder Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea isn’t just inconvenient; it is potentially fatal. This is why sleep apnea sufferers need to try their best to prevent all types of symptoms from occurring. This article can provide a great start to helping sufferers find relief.

Sleep on your side, as it can help lessen your sleep apnea symptoms. When lying on your back, your throat and nasal passages can obstruct your airways. Be sure you try sleeping on your side to get rid of a few of your problems caused by sleep apnea at night.

Quitting smoking and drinking can relieve sleep apnea symptoms. Both habits cause the muscles of the airway to relax, which increases both snoring and sleep apnea. Dropping bad habits can help you live your life comfortably again.

Sleep apnea is usually diagnosed by a doctor after he looks at your family history, medical history, and you have a comprehensive physical exam. Your doctor may recommend a sleep study as well. When your doctor has this information, he passes it on to a specialist who can help you even more.

Talk to your physician about the possibility of a mouth piece to correct your sleep. You could be dealing with a narrow breathing airways, or a small jaw which can all make the problems of sleep apnea much worse. By aligning the position of your jaw and throat, you will find that you can sleep with fewer symptoms of sleep apnea.

Your physician may want you to write in a log or journal about your sleep, in order to check to see if you have sleep apnea. Here, you will track your hours of successful sleep, when you awaken through the night and other problems you may encounter. Your partner can help with that, as they know whether you are a loud snorer or jerk about. With this information, your doctors can make a final determination on whether or not you suffer from sleep apnea.

Sleep Apnea

Stick to a schedule when it comes to your sleep. An irregular sleep pattern only aggravates the sleep apnea condition. Do whatever you can to restore your natural sleeping patterns, and you will find that you can handle the apnea a bit easier. Go to sleep and wake up each day on a regular schedule and this schedule should be used on the weekends, too.

Lose a few pounds if you happen to be overweight and suffer from sleep apnea. Studies show that sleep apnea symptoms are more common in people who are overweight. A loss of 10 or more pounds can significantly reduce our sleep apnea symptoms.

If you suffer from sleep apnea and have issues with your sinuses or allergies, have them treated as soon as possible. You might have trouble breathing during the night because of sleep apnea. You don’t need anything else to interfere with your sleep. You will sleep better and have a more open airway if you treat nasal problems.

Get a personally made mouth guard just for you. They make these mouth guards specifically for people that suffer from sleep apnea. It is a more comfortable alternative to using a CPAP machine. The guard assists in opening up your airways and stabilizing the soft tissues.

Nasal sprays can help you sleep when your nose is being a nuisance to you. This should clear your airways, at least temporarily. Do not use nasal spray over long periods of time: this could damage your nose and cause irritation. Visit your pharmacy to see what your options are for keeping your nasal passages open as you sleep.

Sleep Apnea also affects children. If you child exhibits certain symptoms, he or she might have sleep apnea. A lot of sleep apnea symptoms are associated with ADHD, so work with your doctor to investigate all possibilities.

You should always consult a physician when you have sleep apnea, but there are things you can do for yourself too. Losing weight and stopping smoking are always good, but are especially so for those who suffer from sleep apnea. Also, don’t drink alcohol or consume caffeine too close to bedtime.

Try to sleep on your side instead of your back to breathe easier when you sleep. When lying on your back, your throat and nasal passages can obstruct your airways. Be sure to go to sleep sideways and find out if that helps you to sleep tonight.

Stop smoking for relief from sleep apnea. Your air passages swell when you smoke, which is no good for sleep apnea sufferers. Quitting can be handled through a cessation program or even nicotine replacement programs. The first month is hard, but after that it becomes easier. The nicotine will be out of your system at this point.

Sleeping Pills

Learn to play a woodwind instrument. This will be not only fun, but it will also help strengthen your throat muscles. If you consistently make an effort to strengthen your throat muscles, you’ll have a better time sleeping with sleep apnea.

Make sure you don’t take any sleeping pills after you find out you suffer from sleep apnea. Sleeping pills can make it so your airways don’t function correctly. If you have sleep apnea it can be life threatening to take sleeping pills.

Getting a CPAP machine is no cause for concern or embarrassment. Be open about it and explain to others that it is necessary for you to sleep better. Stress that it is necessary for your health. Your health is the most important thing you should be focusing on, not wasting time on what others think of your machine. It’s quite possible they may find themselves with sleep apnea at some point in their own lives.

Try out a regular sleep schedule to help you through your sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can disrupt your sleep every night. So, anything that you can find that will help rebuild healthy sleep patterns is a must to help you live a healthier lifestyle. Setting regular times for both going to sleep and waking up is the most important thing to do.

Don’t sleep face-up if you suffer from sleep apnea. Sleeping on your back makes it far more likely for your airway to collapse as you sleep, causing apnea. If you do have sleep apnea then it’s wise to go bed on your side. Gravity won’t have as much of an effect on you then.

Sleep apnea sufferers should treat their allergies promptly. Your condition is already affecting your breathing at night. One issue is enough when battling for air when you are asleep. Making sure your airway isn’t obstructed is your best bet to getting good sleep.

Back sleepers are more likely to suffer with snoring or sleep apnea. If this describes your case, it may be time to change your sleeping position. You can significantly reduce your sleep apnea symptoms by not sleeping on your back and falling asleep on your side.

Nasal Sprays

Sleep apnea causes a reduction of oxygen to your system while you are sleeping. It would be wise for anyone suffering with this condition to not sleep at a higher elevation. High elevations mean that your oxygen level will be lower and may cause your sleep apnea to be worse. If one can avoid sleeping at high altitudes, one should.

You can try nasal sprays if your sleep apnea is caused by your nasal passages. This will dry out the passages and help clear them out temporarily. Nasal sprays with medications should not be used for many days in a row, however, because they can damage the nose. Take a trip to the drugstore and find a nasal cleaner that suits you.

Minimize alcohol use, particularly before bedtime. Alcohol can worsen sleep apnea and other sleep disorders. Alcohol relaxes your muscles and makes it harder to breath while you sleep. It can also prevent you from waking up when you stop breathing. When this happens, death could result quickly.

Use a device that is aimed at helping you with snoring. Both snoring and sleep apnea are caused by narrowed airways. A device that can eliminate snoring can also relieve sleep apnea. Devices that reduce or eliminate snoring can lessen sleep apnea symptoms.

Seek out a support group. Sleep apnea is not a condition that is very common. It’s quite possible that your loved ones will try to help, but do not really understand what you’re dealing with. Finding a support group can be very helpful because you will find others who can relate to your problem. Try out online forums if you’re a bit shy with others.

Try not to sleep on your back if you are prone to sleep apnea. A lot of people suffering from apnea have problems with blocked airways because they sleep not on their side, but on their backs. If you keep turning on your back, position several pillows behind your back to help keep you on your side.

Know that sleep apnea is a serious diagnosis and it’s important to follow anything your doctor recommends as a treatment. This may mean having to use a CPAP machine, if it is prescribed. The obvious signs of not getting enough sleep, such as tiredness, will be obviously apparent; however, more serious side-effects such as mental illness or increased stroke chances are also possible.

Sleep apnea is a condition that requires treatment in order to be resolved. Some treatments will work better for you than others. One thing that can help you is losing weight, another is how you position yourself in your sleep. Some other options include CPAP machines or other devices. Some prefer surgery when dealing with sleep apnea. Which ever way you go, the key is to get it treated so you can live a peaceful life.

Visit a specialist if you have sleep apnea. Your regular doctor may be able to help you out when you are dealing with the horrible reality of having sleep apnea, but seeing a specialist may provide quicker relief. Specialists have all the latest information and can pinpoint the cause of your sleep apnea. They will be able to show you multiple ways in which you can manage your apnea.

If you suspect that you might be suffering from sleep apnea, consult a physician and arrange a sleep study. This sleep test will help diagnose your sleep apnea and give you an idea of its severity. After that, you need to look for a treatment to manage it, even if it’s not that severe.

Do not forget to treat any other breathing problems. Make the treatment of any breathing problems top priority, especially if you are experiencing sleep apnea. Limit exposure to outside allergens and always take your allergy medications to keep your allergies from producing symptoms. If you think you might be catching a cold, deal with it quickly to prevent worsening your sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea causes many people considerable aggravation. In many cases, the discomfort, sleep problems, and health risks of sleep apnea are felt not just by the sufferers but by their loved ones as well. This article gave you great ways to combat sleep apnea.

If using a CPAP machine causes the problem of dry mouth, there are some ways to fix that. First, turn up the humidity setting, as this keeps nasal passages and your mouth moist. There is also a mask which uses a chin strap. This will close your mouth and prevent any leaking of air.